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Posts posted by DustyIrl

  1. Oprah winfrey - what a complete bloody racist! or Jeremy "smug" kyle - how come no one has planted him yet?


    Yea, you'd think one of the rough looking boyos he's had on for dna test of yey another fatherless child would have planted him. Coming to the conclusion this is fake myself.

  2. My fo told me to keep my firearms licence in the car with me as it would be the handiest place. Its an piece of paper over here(not sure what yours are like in the UK). There bringing in a new thing now where it will be a credit card thing. Would be handy to keep in the wallet. Iv been stopped at random checkpoints with the gun (in a sleeve) and cartridges in the back seat(usually gun in boot), where the cop just said off for a bit of shooting? and let me off without checking anything :hmm:. I keep it in the glovebox but have never been asked for it. Iv even had cop cars pass me while iv been puttin the gun back in the car and none of them stop. Its seems to be a bit less hassle with gaurds around here. This story is completely mad. Think its a case of police showing their 'power'.

  3. Im 21, young looking 21 thoughand iv never had this problem. Do the farmers know of you or your family? If your father knows a farmer it might be best ask him first, once word gets around you shouldnt have any problems.

  4. Aye, did anyone see Bears Irish episode? "its one of the most deadly terrain". I mean come on! Also where he was running and fell into bog hole. If the camera spun around, it would have seen a car park!!!!!!!!

  5. The crisp packet one sounds interesting.


    Iv yet to try this Baldrick. I was told it works by someone who wouldnt be the type to lead people on. Im out in the morning over stubble so i might just bring a bag and see what happens. will report back if successful

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