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  1. so where can i get my barrel screw cut someone must know other people have done it Ian
  2. Webley Tracker deluxe .22 with a Tasco 4x32 scope 25 years ago at the age of 14 worked on two farms every weekend and holiday for 6 months to buy it then the farmers gave me premission to shoot nearly 1000 acre God i'm depressed now Thanks
  3. hi everone new to the forum and realy sorry that me first post is a question and ok i know i'm asking alot but does anyone know where to get one as i desperalely need one so i can fit a Moderipper please please help what i realy want is the under lever shortened, the forsight moved back, the barrel scew threaded so a 1/2"UNF amoderator/stripper "Moderipper" fitted. i've heard of it deing done but no one knows who does it can anyone on here help? Thanks muchley Ian
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