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Posts posted by varmintator

  1. If he is cloudy enough to think anyone is going to quote for a gun of that price accurately over the phone without having seen it, he deserves to have his time wasted. Was he also clear whether he was wanting just to sell it or trade it in?


    I wonder how many 4 grand procter rifles are made each year?


    I would say no more than 10, it's more the point that

    When my friend got there the guys reason

    Was that it was a 375 and was specialised.

    He could have said that before he set off.


    If he had said it was in bad condition that

    Would have been acceptable.


    So it's a dirty trick

  2. Been in a couple of times myself. Had some decent cartridge prices, seemed very friendly and helpful. Often busy and you might have to wait to be served, but once you have their attention seems like no hurry.


    I will go back


    Well I will never use them and I know my friend won't.


    Such a shame as the power of word of mouth is a killer.

  3. My friend told me this regarding York Guns

    He said he wanted to sell his Proctor 375.

    He called York guns and they offered him approx 4k for it.

    So he drove from the midlands to York guns.

    When he got there they offered him 3k for it. When he asked why they were now offering 1 k less

    They said that it was specialist and there was not much call for them.


    The rifle is mint btw


    Of course it is up to them what they offer but why waste his time

    Getting him to drive all the way there to try and sucker him in to

    Reducing the price very unfair I feel.



    He was very angry they had wasted his time and money.


    I told him he would be better off selling it on here.


    Just wanted to know if anyone else had this issue with them.

  4. There is an advert on telly where a guy says we are lawyers and we will deal with your claim etc

    The guy saying this is an actor not a lawyer he was on the Bill, not a great ad when you quote on the ad that you are Lawyers and within the same sentence you lie.

    Unless the chap is a lawyer but this I doubt has been getting on my nerves for a while so thought I would vent my frustration.

  5. The uk is a fantastic place I don't think there is anything wrong with the people the place or even the weather.

    Apart from the people that run it at the moment it's a pretty good place.I think we are pretty lucky

  6. Hi all. Just stumbled on this site today when I was having a look around for tips on improving my shooting.


    I shoot bunnies with a CZ511 .22 and pigeons with a browning over and under and an 8 shot auto I've just picked up. Been shooting vermin for about a year with friends but wanting to get bigger bags now and have more fun so lookig to build up my knowledge of where to find the pesky critters!



    Hello from Macclesfield

  7. That's a cracking gun I hope you enjoy it, If I had some spare mash I would buy one, but I went for the M2 just purely for ease of maintenance, ie no gas parts on the M2 but quite few shoot them on the PSG scene, as a matter of interest as I can't see on the pic which make is the extended tube ?



    Nordic was from Midway uk

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