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Posts posted by waynecbr

  1. i mate iv just got myself a fn 19 an il tell ya wot u put a desent sight on it an ul be hitting ur target easyly at 40m dunno passed that but they are very accurate and iv been getting around 60 shoots out of it before filling i would reconmend it mate !!! fantastic rifle loads of fun !!! :good:



    thanks for that . will seriuosly give it some thought . :wub:

  2. realistically how many shots do you get between filling up . i have a mates bsa ultra at the mo and i am not to impressed . seriuosly think it has an air leak cause it did not shoot many pellets before it ran out . i even think there is a pellet still up the barrel .very poor imo.







    After I bought a Falcon I never used my spring guns again. I could never get the same accuracy with a spring gun that I could with my Falcon. Pumping it up is a pain in the rear, but the lack of recoil, light weight and accuracy for me made my spring air rifles redundant.
  3. Hi all, new boy here Im after a BSA lightning any cal and any extra kit, Im in Leeds area and ready to collect.



    thanks Neil :good:

    i was offered one of these not so long ago . had scope . light . bag only shoot 200 pellets , he was in stockport is that near you . i have emailed him will let you know if he still has it .


  4. pretty new on here so would like a bit of info from you experienced shooters :) i am on the look out for a air rifle and have always been a fan of wierurch in particular i was thinking of getting a hw80 . but i have seen some good reviews about the falcon fn . what do you think is best for hunting rabbit . must admit i dont relish the thought of having to keep filling up a gun with air but is it worth the effort for the resultls not much diff in the price :good:

  5. ive got a near mint 90k in .177 with simmons 3-9x50 and gunslip i dont really need anymore if youre interested id want 230 posted for it though so not dirt cheap cheers

    whats the crack with the 90 not read up on them , how does it work are they part spring and part gas

  6. Just missed ouy on roblatchs hw80 so on the lookout for another . Prob sold so quick cause of the price hope i can get one the same i do have a limited budget but never mind .


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