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Posts posted by Wesman

  1. Very interested in the cocker. He's more than likely going to be a pet though really. I live on the Lancashire moors so he'll have a good home but just in case you only want to sell to someone where you know he'll be worked.

  2. Ah if only. My Dad works for Voith as a manager and although officially I have the best job in the world, my job may not be safe so I'm going back to college part time to learn mechanical engineering. I already have qualifications in fire engineering. I'm hoping to try and do some work experience with the old man just in case things go tits up in work. Shame I didn't like my Dad more as a kid, otherwise I'd have probably been an engineer just like him.

  3. Wesman, your predicament is not a particularly nice one and I feel for you but it is the same for many private sector workers - why should the public sector be any different?


    It shouldn't, but how many peoples lives depend on the public sector worker, for example an insurance worker, being ready and able to do ther job effectively? Peoples lives will be put at risk if me and my colleagues work into our 60's.

  4. Work harder like everyone else has to and prove your worth it. There was a good offer made and your Union Leader(if your a member) made the wrong decision and your going to pay for it.


    Hopefully when or if this mess cleans up, should we fix our pensions. We need to sort it out now or there wont be any pensions at all in the future.


    I'm pretty sure I work as hard as anyone in the country when I'm called to, I get paid £28k a year and work 48 hours a week. I pay 11.5% (i think) of my wage into a pension. What more can I do?


    I think your just confused like an Emo chick. :good:


    ****. That made me snot tea.


    I'm a public sector worker doing pretty important stuff, very physical and pay a lot into my pension. I physically will not be able to do my job when I'm 60. What should I do?

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