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Posts posted by wildtrax

  1. well I thought we had to be fit and when I say sane I use that as saying not mental problems..but what if he collapses? would it be out in the field..he might acidentaly kill someone in a group for example...I DO AGREE that there would be

    NO PROBlem as his doctor would have agreed at the police check as to his fitness..BUT I also hear that the Blind school here recently were treated to a few shots in the parkland...?? How the shooting world has changed these last few years

    .......or have I fell asleep( indeed I might not be fit to own a certificate myself....(asleep for 40yrs) Ha! Ha!...well thanx for the info and enlightenment...

    the chances of him collapsing and accidentley shooting someone in the field is no greater than a person stumbling or tripping and accidentley shooting someone or being killed in the car on the way to the shoot or being struck by lightning in the field. theres plenty of people with poor health driving cars and a serious car accident can certainley cause many deathes. so i would be inclined to not worry bout it.

  2. when i was a car salesman we often got the type of noise you describe with cars of all types and turned out more often than not to be a distorted tyre. the noise they made was often mis diagnosed as a faulty wheel bearing or prop. sometimes when the suspect tyre was changed it was hard to beleave that the old tyre had been able to make so much noise.

  3. We have an 8 year old boy at our school from the travelling community-he insists on being called Rambo and will not answer to any other name. His most frequent comment is **** off and he simply refuses to go into any classes. So how is our educational system dealing with him ?. All of his books are issued with Rambo printed on the front despite the fact that he has never even opened a book, he is allowed to come to school and sit in reception for one and a half hours a day where he plays on an I-Pad. When he kicks off (frequently) he has a social worker, a liaison officer and two teaching assistants at his beck and call. His attendance, despite all of our money that's being thrown at him, is the worst that the school has ever recorded but no-one is held accountable. I have just been told by the same school that if my children (100% attendance record) are off school for one day while we are abroad we will be fined £60 for each child-don't you just love equality??

    write a letter to send to the school stating when they can prove rambos family have been fined for lack of attendance you will be only to pleased to partipate in there rule of fining parents for a childs absence from school in term time. if they cannot prove such you feel you are being victimised which is causing you great stress as you beleaved we live in a fair democracy where the laws of the land apply to all its citizens.

  4. i always find it strange how the do gooders will defend a low life debt dodger but get the knife into a, honest , hard working , guy that is just trying to get back monies that are owed to his client .


    the answer to this one is oh so very simple , if you dont want to come into contact with debt collectors,baliffs , etc , PAY YOUR DAMNED BILLS THAT YOU AGREED TO PAY IN THE FIRST PLACE+=


  5. why is stating a fact such as we send lots of money abroad which we all know in many but not all cases is missused such a problem? the uk has always been a generous country as given over the years much more than other better off eu countrys, after natural disasters and famines etc. but times are hard as a country we are not well off and therefore if any! of the money is going to be missused we should stop sending it.. people here have needs the nhs, education, and why should our elderly go cold in the winter. if more of the spineless politians we had stood up and said much the same we might be able to slowly get this country back on its feet.

  6. I can see why some folk don't like the idea of people being gay. In my mind I find the thought rather uncomfortable and don't understand it at all. The only way I can relate to gay people is by imagining how I would feel if society was gay and I was the odd one out liking women. Imagine for a moment how repulsive that would feel - people saying "you shouldn't be looking at women, that aint right", and then take a step back and consider that gays are human beings too with exactly the same basic settings and feelings. They deserve to live life the same as the rest of us - as long as their rights don't in turn remove the rights of others.


    I remember a conversation I had with a good friend of mine as clear as day. We were in our mid twenties and I was chatting to him on the phone as he'd moved to Bristol and we don't see each other as much as we used to. He piped up that he had some quite serious feelings for someone who was a bit younger than him (18 I think) and did I think that was too young? I replied that I thought that would be ok, a little young perhaps but legally an adult and he wasn't that old so I couldn't see the issue. Then I asked if she was fit.... His reply... "well I think he is". :o


    I'd known this lad since we were five. He'd been in my class all the way through school right from infants to leaving secondary together and I had no idea. I just sat there silent for a moment, as did he. Once I'd had a second (which felt like for ever to him I'm sure) to process what I'd just been told I said "fair enough, go for it then"! He was really surprised at how well I took it. His first words were "what, so it doesn't bother you then?" Well what could I say? He was a decent lad and we'd always been friends. It was a real shock to me but it didn't change anything. I think my view of gay people changed a great deal that day because I had no choice but to sit back and ask myself what really matters in life. My dad is a racist, homophobic, you name it he's against it and that's how I'd been brought up but there was no way on earth I was losing a really good mate because he happened to bat for the other team! The only thing that saddened me a little is that it took him so long to feel he could be honest with me. But then I'll never know how it feels to keep a secret like that. Coming out is seriously scary and I was one of the first people who knew him to know. He should have just told me sooner, daft bender! :lol:

    well at last a common sense approach to a subject that always gets a lot on here spouting a right load of old pony.

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