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Posts posted by leonp9lbw

  1. Please can someone point me in the right direction with regards my dog, only I'm pulling my hair out.


    Right I have a two year old springer spaniel named Mac , who is excellent in all manners of working bar retrieving. he has never been interested in retrieving even as a pup but over the last few months I have managed to get him to retrieve from water with enthusiasm and whilst in the garden he will demand retrieves , Result you may say however as soon as I take him out i.e to a field or even a playing field with no scent he just is not interested.


    I really do not know what to do with him any advice appreciated .



  2. Hey man,

    How long has he been doing this?

    Try and maybe make the dummy more interesting with like a rabbit skin,

    does he retrieve a tennis ball ?

    Yeh he will retrieve a tennis ball and like and I said he will pick up and return a dummy indoors, it is as if he just wants to hunt whist outside. I have no idea how to correct this.

  3. Help required , I have a two year old ESS and id doing well in all aspects of training except retrieving.He just does not seem interested and will only pick up dummies in doors. As soon as I take him outside he will sit, watch the flight and on command run straight to the mark. However he will not pick it up and just runs round ignoring it.


    I have no Idea how to correct this any ideas greatly appreciated.

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