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Everything posted by Space_Man

  1. Hi HDAV Do you have a name or number for this guy? Cheers
  2. I have seen that one. They want pretty much brand new money for it (£499). I can get a brand spanker Yildiz, which has multi-choke rather than the Webley's fixed choke, for £529 for just down the road at Maskells in Aldershot, however I really only want to spend about £350 as he probably won't have it for that long. Cheers for the pointer though.
  3. Hi all Does anyone have and want to sell (or know anyone who wants to sell) a Junior stocked .410 Webley & Scott or Yildiz (or similar, but still junior stocked and single trigger) O/U or S/S? Christmas is coming and my 9 year old (who has patiently trudged behind me on most Sundays for the last 3 years, come rain or shine) is now ready for his own gun. However, as he is growing pretty quick, I don't want to splash out for a brand new gun when he will in all likelihood move on to a 20 in a couple of years. Happy to travel 75 miles (Home town is Fleet, Hampshire), or will pay reasonable RFD costs (Can RFD to Bisley). Available secondhand examples of these Junior sized guns seem to rarer than hens teeth! I have called around every gun shop in Surrey, West Sussex, Hampshire and Berkshire without any luck :-( If you are considering trading in your own kids gun, to upgrade him/her to a 20 or 12, then please let me know as I will probably give you a better price than a dealer.
  4. Number of differing reports "'Then a man carrying a rifle with a large telescopic sight on it ran past just feet away and fired again." "'There were four shots and I looked round to see the taxi driver lying on the pavement." Then "I saw a man with a large shotgun and his windscreen was smashed" "Dr Barry Walker, who certified a number of the victims as dead, says he has "never seen shotgun wounds like this". Plus "Whitehaven councillor John Kane says: "I did know Derrick Bird. I would describe him as a very placid man. Very quiet and someone who kept himself to himself. I was not aware that he was a gun owner. He was a very quiet person." Sounds like 2 weapons involved Sympathy for all involved, but let's hope they were illegal guns.......
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