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Posts posted by angrymallard

  1. I was coming off the foreshore on friday and the local hunt club had been targeted by "Hunt Saboteurs Ireland", an apparently peaceful protest in which theyentered club grounds and took photos of members whilst wearing scarves and balaclavas on their faces. Drove straight through them in camo rather chuffed with my 5 wigeon.


    I was on facebook and someone had copied a link on to their page for a group called "hunt sabotage NI". who, as the name suggests, do their utmost to disrupt and stop organised hunts as well as approach and confront any shooters they happen to come across.All in the name of "conserving our countryside"
    Just wondering if anyone has had any encounters like this?

    . Maybe I'm naive, but surely if you're on land you have permission for etc etc surely the law is then on your side? Could you even say it was harassment?

  2. Got out yesterday myself, set up in a stubble field were that i had been watching on Sunday with a few birds about it. 30 mins in the farmer came into the field to fix fences so moved to a new field that hadn't had anything on it in a while as I didn't want to go home, set up the magnet and flapper with shot birds and by about 5.30 they were decoying lovely and managed 37 pigeons and 13 ferals. Starting to think about the ducks now, need to get myself some new waders and a new coat and sort the decoys out, shooting Strangford for the 1st time this year, so going to have to do some homework before Sept.

  3. Just got infinity installed this month, took many hours on hold with customer service, and 8 weeks just to get an order placed, they kept coming into errors with our line. Another 3 requests for a renumbering to secure my old phone number, every time i called they issued me a completely new number. The engineer who came out for installation also said it took him 9 weeks for them to set up his connection using the excuse "none of our engineers are available in the area", even though he was the head engineer for the whole area and was doing it himself. I reluctantly had to leave virgin media when I changed address, the package itself is great however the level of customer service offered by BT is the worst I've ever experienced.

  4. Might get to go to a small flight pond i started feeding last month, but theres alot of floodwater around at the moment so not sure what it will be like. Apart from 1 pigeon and a snipe,teal have made up my entire bag in the last month, im shooting them every week not that im complaining. Haven't seen any good numbers of pigeon around so haven't even bothered to go after them and will be out of action with uni work until the end of the month.


    I have been to hallow farm a few times, I didn't know that was Olympic skeet I thought it was pretty easy but that compact sporting is deadly very hard, how much does a brand new silver pigeon go for?


    Each model varies brand new for a silver pigeon 1 is just under £1400, going over £2100 for the silver pigeon V.

  6. Hollow Farm in comber has an olympic skeet stand and is much closer to you. Theres also DTL and compact sporting. Thinking about getting a new silver pigeon after Christmas and start shooting more clays. Also there's plenty of ducks around, lots of water laying in the fields so they are just spread out.

  7. It's not an increase in Brent that have caused the decline in wigeon wintering on Strangford. Yes they do eat the eelgrass but the competition is second to the fact that the birds just simply aren't turning up. Milder weather associated with climate change is reducing the ranges which birds are migrating south, so populations which would have once been destined for strangford are settling on the mainland. I don't see any real benefit to adding them to the quarry list.

  8. Keep at it, it sounds like he is showing some potential. I have a 5 year old lab which was very lively, headstrong and easily excitable. Training started of well but being a student I was away from home alot and training sessions were few and far between and he was also spoiled rotten by my parents. But he was always keen to retrieve and with only a couple of hours every couple of weeks I was able to get him under control and retrieving well. Now he's a bit older he has settled down and I wouldn't have any other dog. He is fantastic on the water, sits patiently in the hide when shooting pigeons and i'd never go out without him. As I said, keep at it, he'll settle down and will know what is required of him and you'll have a shooting partner for life.

  9. I currently shoot up at Lough Neagh, was gonna try and get into Strangford Wildfowlers this season but left it too late too apply. More than likely will join next season as its closer to home and want to get some "real" fowling. What are peoples experience? I know that there's good numbers of pintail now but as with a lot of places wigeon are seriously down.

  10. I insured my first car with Endsleigh last month for £1200. A 1.1lt Peugeot 206, which is a saving of over £2500 from last year. They are great for young and student drivers. My premium cheaper through a comparison website rather than going directly to Endsleigh. I am 20.

  11. Went out on Saturday for the first time since September. Never fired a shot but seen a lot of ducks moving. Failed to take a tufted duck as I thought 2 were coming in behind but they changed their mind. The hide was circled by "thousands" of golden plover coming back round every 15 mins or so however they were just too high. I have some uni exams to keep me away over the next few weeks but gonna try and make a return before the end of the season.

  12. I shot my first duck when i was eleven on a small flight pond at evening flight. It was the first shot i had ever fired from the new 20 gauge my dad had bought for me and i got the bug right away. I had shot pigeons a few times before hand.

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