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Posts posted by pedro68

  1. i have a teenage daughter with severe learning difficulties and over the years have had many obsticles to get over with various departments etc and it is not easy ,to add to this the physical and mental stress of caring for someone 24 hours a day ,every day for years on end is a real struggle as there are no days off or phoning in sick , if a few ciggies is what that woman needs to get through another day just to do it all again tomorrow the so what . Perhaps she is not the most orginised or clued up person and maybe she did make a mistake , but if you had to do what she does every day how do think you would fare , we cant all be strong and on top of stuff ,she is doing her best ,what more can you ask. She is also saving the tax payer and absolute fortune , if she said tomorrow ok thats me ive had enough you will have to take my child into care you are talking serious amounts of money for 24hr year round care ,it would be i imagine 100k ,so come on cut her some slack .

  2. hi there , had my first go at shooting over the new drillings last saturday with some success . i got 25 pigeons and 5 crows and should have had more but i missed a good few .the farmer has planted another 5 fields with barley and im wondering how long the birds will feed on this and how long do you keep going to the fields once they are planted out , do you keep shooting over them once the crop starts to grow or once the birds have cleared the fields is that it until the harvest ,sorry for the rookie questions but if i dont ask i will never know.



  3. Hi there , i have just managed to get some more fields to shoot over on one of my permissions ,im relatively new to shotgunning and have never shot over barley drilling's before . Will the birds feed on them and do i set up my decoys the same and should i use a flapper and rotary .They are planting these fields mid week and i plan to shoot them on sat . Any advice would be great .





  4. try mcCallan 10 years old , matured in sherry casks and is excellent , the mc Callan oak cask is nice also but i prefer the 10 year old, i have also recently destroyed a bottle of tobermoray with my American brother in law , lovely stuff

  5. in an independant scotland we could have labour ,tory ,libs or national party governing us ,depending on what the nation voted , if the country becomes independant at some point elections will begin and every party will have its chance to win the right to govern.the people would have elected them ,as it stands we are governed from westminster by a party that has little to no backing from scotland , surely this cannot be right .

  6. the more people say you cannot and never will be independant as you are incapable of governing yourselves the more people vote for it ,if scotland is such a burden on the uk then why the hell are they making such a fuss about our right to govern ourselves , surely they can only prosper if what they say is true ,that scotland is a "hands out nation " . the more they protest the more alex salmond laughs , you are doing the job for him. He is the smartest politician in britain by far and Cameron is useless.

  7. hi there ,thanks for posting that info, do you think i could fire steel from this gun in 70mm cartridges,i think il take your advice and wait until i get it seen to before i try it, i was nervous about it as it was .bloke i bought it from said it was a magnum and shot 76mm carts but i cant see anything on the gun to say that. if you say the 1270 is gauge and chamber then it seem its not . ****** now i need another gun for 3" carts and steel proofed for shooting on the foreshore .Thanks for your help mate.



  8. hi there , it would be good if the 1460 was the bar reading, steel would be no problem . the 1270 is next to FMN i dont think that is the chamber size , the person i bought the gun from said he has shot 76mm through it and i think most laurona are 76mm.i think your right about the barrel diameters being 18.4. thanks for your input mate it all helps solve the puzzle .



  9. hi there , im trying to find out if my laurona eibar is a magnum and will it be okay to fire steel . so far i have discovered the gun was made in 1985 these are the markings i have seen on the gun and barrels ,can anybody shed some light on it for me.


    stamped on both barrels is 18.4

    stamped on the flats of the barrel is 1460 gmos E2

    on the underside there is FMN1270

    On the side of barrels 1200kp/cm (i think)

    there are stamps CH

    also BP

    one like a knights head with a x under it and one i cant make out.


    Any help would be great.


    i went to my local gun shop but it was a rookie behind the counter but he phoned a gunsmith he knew , he just asked if the make if it was o/u and was it multi choke .then said it would be okay for steel as long as i used half choke or less.





  10. hi there , the markings you have shown are the same as on mine,will the markings of the fleur de llys still be stamped on older guns ,i was wondering if we could use standard steel shot and not the high performance, im going to the gun shop tomorrow to see what they say, il let you know what they say.



  11. hi there , i have a laurona eibar 12g over and under. my problem is i can see no markings that say if this can take 3" cartridges and if its proofed for steel shot. what should i be looking for and does anyone know if these guns are okay for this load of cartridge as i want to go shooting geese and need to get this sorted beforehand.any information regarding this gun and marks etc would be much appreciated.



  12. hi there , well i chose my area for the hide ,set up and got 17 on my first outing as there was plenty activity as the farmer was still cutting the opposite field ,all was good and i arranged to go out again in a few days time .Again i set up in roughly the same area and began my shooting i got 10 in a couple of hours and was happy with that. before i go to these fields i always phone the police and get an incident number and it seems its just as well ,i had been shooting for about an hour when my phone goes , its the local police , the officer explains to me that they have had a complaint from a member of the public that a man is shooting in this field and that the complainer could not walk his dog there bcause of it and the complainer question wether i had permission and said i was poaching.the officer assured the man that i had all the rquired documentation to shot there . the bloke then goes on a rant to the officer saying he cant go anywhere nowadys and had to be told to calm down. i explained that there wwas another 5 fields he could walk on as nobody was shooting on them and that over the whole year this field get shot overmaybe 3 time for a couple of hours at a time. he said he was perfectly happy for me to carry on shooting and enjoy my day and suggested i phone the farm manager just to let him know there had been a call. what is happening when you have idiot walkers like that ,he was informed he should be more respectful of other peoples land and that the farmer had a right to be allowed to work it . result for me i think, im just glad i phone in before i went and that the officer dealing with the complaint was spot on.



  13. hi there , i shoot an s200 multi shot, the pellets i use are h&n baracudas . the gun loves them ,pellet on pellet no problems , the pellets are always spot on , never found a crushed one etc yet, its a heavy pellet so it hits hard but with a slightly looper trajectory almost like shooting a .20 i recon. check your pellets are not clipping the silencer aswell. if you like you can buy the pellet sample packs with about 10 diffrent tpyes and about 20 of each and do some testing . hope this is of help .



  14. i will mate , i hope so to , there woodies every where on these fields , i shot over another field i have and i was a few weeks late on it after i was cut . i got 36 pigeons and 4 crows but the pigeons were all feral pigeons which was a downer , but as fate would have it ,as i was shooting 2 guys appeared and asked what i was doing with the birds , i turns out these blokes have harris hawks and were looking for feed for them ,so the set off when we finished with a bag full . happy days.



  15. hi there , i know there is a flight line right along the woods ,i use a laser range finder to make sure my shot dont go near the houses , at 60 yards or so would the shot damage power lines ,im just curious as im not sure . i think the hide against the woods is the preferred option i think but i want to give myself the best chance of a few birds .i would set up under the power lines if need be. il going to shoot from 4 til 7 30 ish and see how it goes .





  16. hi there , a have a few questions for the more experienced shooter as im fairly new to pigeon shooting and i need a few pointers.firstly the farmer is cutting the barley tonight and i was going to shoot on the stubble tomorrow for a few hours after work ,what time in the evening would you suggest its okay to shoot till as im only 500 yards from houses ,my second question is would i be better waiting until the weekend to shoot the field and shoot early afternoon or will i have missed the best by then ,and thirdly , there is a wood that runs along the field which i could build my hide into but the re is electricity line about 60 yards out from the wood and it would hinder some shots,would i be better building my hide under the cables at the wooden poles and there for have no hindered shots but a more exposed hide. sorry for going one a bit but i want to learn as much as i can.



  17. Oh man , thats not good ,i just put a big order in lastnight aswell , oh well im sure it will arrive sometime . i hope the bloke is okay and gets help if this is true , must be pretty desperate to try that , i cant think of anything that would be worth doing myself in for but everyone deals with stuff diffrently.



  18. i have eventually bought a vitara although not the one i set out to buy,i had looked at an 02 plate in the morning but it was not the best , tyres were nearly done ,stank of dogs and there were general tatty bits here and there , guy wanted £2425 had a full years mot. the other was a petrol 2.0 ltr 04 , was much cleaner but was £3150 and was i my opinion not loved by previous owners . i eventually went to see a 1999 2.0 td 89 000 miles immaculate inside ,mot till feb but a little rust on the inside of the passanger sill at the back door,everything else was tidy so i went for it and got it for £2000, hope i did ok ,my fingers are crossed the sill is an easy fix,i have a mate who does cars so he is coming to check it out tonight .i dont know why but i just felt it was the better car than the others looks wise ,if i get 3 years out of it il be happy.Just hate that knot in my gut i get when buying used cars :hmm:



  19. aye , i did quiz the guy on the mileage and he said they run checks to make sure there is no outstanding credit on the car , the mileage is verified and it was a lady owner and the familys second car and traded in against a new bmw , he was not budging on the price but would consider my wifes old beat up picasso as a trade in ,il go oiver this car with my mate who is a mechanic and see where we stand ,i will know better then, i can always walk away, you made a good point about the tyres though , i might use that . i only do around 4500 miles a year and my other car is a 56 plate and iv only done 26 000 miles, i would probably want to put a bit more aggressive tyre on it anyway.i have asked them for mpg and road tax class and they will phone me after work and i can my luck at a few quid of it again.

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