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Posts posted by bop

  1. First foxing for a while now silage is cut. Got lampshy vixen last night at 9:30. It walked up to 22 yards off my hiding spot. 50 grains sorted it. Headed back to car, radio TT on, door open, texting my cousin and a cub walked right past the car!! Closing bolt on rifle spooked it. Half light and drizzle so archer not used. Went back for 682, 35 gram 5's and lamp. Got it 50 yards from where I first saw it.

  2. Got a foxpro firestorm. It's fantastic- especially in winter- had a dog fox run in full tilt (from 300+ yards) to the vixen call within 2 minutes of turning the call on. Mouse and rabbit calls used at the minute.

  3. Using Express English Sporter fibres and Super Comp fibres at the minute. If I used plastic wads, would scores improve?

    It seems like a lot of people I shoot clays with look down their noses at fibre wads. Why are plastic so popular? Price? On a range, I use plastic wad at skeet but out shooting sporting and game shooting, I use fibres.

    Ive heard before about plastic throwing a tighter pattern etc. Does a bias exist?

  4. Obviously I've some serious studying to do on lethal density! Didn't think it would matter that much with a 32gram #4 steel load on a rising mallard at 25 yards! It's not as if it was shooting at a flighting bird exceeding theoretical effective range, which a lead load would have killed cleanly.

    I've tried one manufacturers offering and am now going to try Gamebores. I'm sick of birds being hit and flying on- all at sensible ranges.

  5. There's a very definite place for well run haybalers.They can provide good,safe,entertaining and reasonably priced clay shooting the last of which is very welcome in todays financial climate.

    I help out at two small clay shoots that use wireless controlled auto traps,have metal mobile cages,small towers,platforms,safety officers and first aiders. The sporting layouts change every shoot.

    I think it is very sad that some clay shooters who have progressed to only shoot competition and registered shoots now look down their noses at haybalers.They probably started clay shooting at a haybaler and have chosen to forget their roots.




    The shoot I go to is run along the same lines. I leave my standard game chokes (1/4&1/2) in, use fibre wad English Sporter 71/2 and it's great to keep my eye in.

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