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Posts posted by wickedandlazee

  1. Am I missing something here? I'm not trying to be awkward but you have listed firearms adjacent to your avatar but say you have just submitted your application. Is this a wish list or firearms you used to own?

    It was firearms I used to own and hopefully will again. Thanks for all support guys. Will let you know. Rules state 5 years after a suspended sentence which has now passed. I no longer associate with people I used to and have a senior management position and some good referees now so hopefully all of that will be enough

  2. Thanks all again - going out with a bang anyway this is the most responses i've ever had to a post on here before :blink: :good::lol::P


    And anyone who knows me knows that I never act "the big one" and treat everyone with respect unless proved otherwise - not much of that left in the world these days unfortunately.


    Anyway this is my last post - promise!!!!


    Good luck to you all in the future whatever it holds for you and yours



  3. It amazes me that there’s very few on here condemning wickedandlazee when he’s so obviously broken the law.


    OK OK I know he’s taken it on the chin and is one of those who obviously knows ‘if you can’t do the time don’t do the crime’ even though (as he had a SGC/FAC) he’s presumably no previous record.


    Lets take a moment to look at the profile (and I know I’m taking a big leap in the dark here but given the few bits of info...) online handle ‘wickedand lazee’ might tell us something i.e. bad boy who doesn’t work (possible benefits scrounger), DEFINITELY NOT - NEVER BEEN ON DOLE IN 25 YEAR UNTIL 6 MONTHS AGO DUE TO REDUNDANCY belongs to a ‘motor cycle club’ for which read Hells Angels IF YOU KNEW ME THAT WOULD BE WORSE THAN CALLING ME A PAEDO - ITS A BLACK AND WHITE WORLD AND ALWAYS WILL BE(and I don’t have a problem with that) and I’m starting to wonder how he was granted a gun licence in the first instance. Aren't the FAO supposed to look at a persons lifestyle etc and make some judgements or at least check him out? Perhaps he wasn’t such a wicked boy after all! :good:


    So to the present...why carry a taser and a knuckle duster? Not something your average law abiding citizen would even know where to obtain let alone carry and when the old bill raid his gaff they find what 6 or 7 firearms offences to also pin on him. Sounds to me like he's a very bad boy who just hasn't been picked up before. :blink: NOT A BAD BOY JUST NEED TO PROTECT MYSELF - ASK SPARKY WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM - HE LIVES NEARBYI’ve gotta say guys this chap should not IMO be in possession of a gun and for you lot to big him up when you’d most likely be the first ones on here to complain (very loudly) if a crime was perpetrated against you (and you usually do) seems to me to be plain hypocracy! Get real, the guys a crim, maybe a nice crim (for all I know) but a crim all the same so stop having a go at old bill (yes I’m standing up for them for once as I wouldn’t want that job for all the proverbial) and see this for what it is. NOT A CRIM AT ALL - JUST ANOTHER EASY TARGET FOR THE OLD BILL. 7 CRIMES CLEARED WHEN IT WOULD HAVE ONLY BEEN TWO FOR ANY ONE ELSE BUT A BIKER.


    If he does get sent down the chances are he deserved it!



    Anyway enough said - not getting drawn into anymore arguments - thanks for all those who gave some support and those who i've met. Will either let you know personally how it goes, hopefully, if not I'll let SPARKY know


    who knows in 5 years time i might be back out shooting :lol::P

  4. Thanks for those supporting posts. Those who said i was caught bang to rights - fair play but you don't know the ins and outs and never will. i have no problem doing the time if thats what happens. I wasn't offering any excuses just answering some questions. The whole idea of the post was to thank those who got me into shooting, passed on their advice, went shooting and had a drink with me.


    Ive - already got the soap on a rope on order :rolleyes::rolleyes: :blink: and nice choice of song. where the hell did you find that old post :sick::lol: that bought some good and very painful memories back :lol:??? ???


    Will have to get a lurcher or some ferrets i think instead :D:D


    All the best to all of ya.


    As for motorcycle club - its a black and white world is all i'll say :good:

  5. So what did you get caught with? :good:


    Taser and a knuckle duster shaped bracket for my suzuki bandit :good: . Trouble is the taser is classed under firearms act :yes: which is bloody ridiculous a knife is more dangerous. i think the fact that I am in a motorcycle club is more to do with why they're pushing so hard for as many convictions as they can get.

  6. Bit too late now. pleaded guilty to the 6 charges as there was no argument against it. Just pleading mitigating circumstance now and hopefully don't get sent down :(


    wish it was just smoke i got caught with. It was a bit more serious than that :yes::good:


    All part of life's rich tapestry as they say :good:

  7. Got pulled and had a couple of things i shouldn't have had on me (canna be too careful these days :blink: )


    But they ended up raiding my house under the pretext of the anti-terrorism act, they use this all the time, as it only requires a superintendants signature and not a search warrant. Another nice way of abusing their already extensive powers.


    Once they realised that my guns were all legal (which threw them - was in the interview room and they came in with a smug grin saying they'd found fire arms in my house, i said i hope you did as i am licensed to have them :devil: ) they started checking all the detail, so i had 70 rounds too much ammo (simple miscount) and the guns were not stored in accordance with my licence technically.


    They tried to do me for a shotgun without a license but i've disproved that so they dropped that one thank god!!


    Still up for 6 charges but no way they gonna give me the guns back or license after this :blink: :)


    Thanks StuartP that was a cracking bisley session. Still got the scars to prove it and a phobia of motorised scooters, as well as avoiding camp gentlemen with glasses of wine.

  8. Sure is m8. Thanks for all your help. Will let you know when i'm out fishing. Gonna be doing a lot of that from now on :blink:


    Not been the best of years, out of work too now, still more fishing time I suppose.


    might have to do a bit of night work :devil: :blink: :):hmm: B)

  9. Been on here for a while and met a few good people on here. Not posted for a while as the police have took my guns off me and am gonna get a firearms ban at the minimum.


    Will still have a quick look now again see how its all going.


    Thanks to you all for the advice and help over the last couple of years. Will be the odd item in the for sale section once the old bill return some of my stuff thats not firearm related.


    All the best for the future.



  10. Its any excuse for the old bill to improve their stats. I was arrested a few months back and they raided my house under the terrorism act while i was locked up. Now doing me for six poxy firearms charges!! They tried to do me for having a gun without a license because their database was not upto date. Luckily i had copies of letter etc plus my license to show that it was their cock up so they dropped it.


    I had seven charges (still have six), even the sergeant agreed that it could have been just 2 but they split em out to increase their success rate.


    They could have spent all this time and money on arresting real criminals but i suppose that would be too much like hard work. Its easier to focus on the generally law abiding citizen who makes the odd genuine mistake.


    Now i've lost my guns and license - back to fishing now i guess


    I've lost all faith in the authorities in this country now.


    Up the revolution :devil:

  11. All sold now


    And for the nosey people :-



    Got caught with some offensive weapons on me (nature of my lifestyle :devil: ) they then raided my house under the ant-terrorism act (*** was that all about :blink: ) and took my guns off me. Tried to do me for gun without a licence but thats been dropped but got me on some other technicalities the ********.


    Up in court in a few weeks.


    C'est la vie

  12. Am giving up shooting (been a naughty boy) so got the following for sale


    Ammo safe - 38x 30 x 30 cm Shelf in middle and able to be wall mounted or floor mounted £30 ONO


    British standard gun cabinet - 5 gun, 150 x 20 x 25 cm - £75 ono


    PM me if your interested. Collection or delivery if local

  13. Canna remember getting home - had to have the details filled in by the mrs this afternoon - got up about 5pm!! A lot of stella was consumed as well as some funny smelling cigarettes that everyone was passing round lol


    Still it wouldn't be the same if i felt OK on new years day!

  14. Night vision monocular - x 3 magnification. Cost 200 new - looking for 70 quid ono. Ideal for spotting bunnies without having to put a lamp on. If used with an IR filtered lamp it lights up the land like daylight.


    PM me if your interested

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