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Posts posted by Davej

  1. If you were to use a normal compresor you would need somthing on it to reduce the moisture coming out of the tank and it would have to be a very high pressure compresor not one you use for say spraying cars. :angry:

  2. I too use sonic's and just like cranfield find them to long I have to wiggle them a bit to get them to seal,Thats the plugs not my ears,Once I have them in their not to bad and you don't get that plugged up feeling like you get with say normal plugs.

  3. I Don't know much about 58s but thier is on on guntrader for £185 doesn't say what condition its in


    If you havn't seen or handled the gun that is the only way to tell wether its a bargain, the name itself suggest quality but it may have been mistreated.

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