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Posts posted by JohnnyB

  1. I was out today shooting over rape. The field I was on is a bit behind the others in the area with only about 50% in flower because of the dry spell. I set up in the corner of the field where the plants are still lowish. Off a flight line but the pigeons are attracted to it. Had the magnet out and a couple of dozen shell deeks. pigeons and jackdaws were coming in to the pattern steadily all day. Ended up with 30 pigeons and 15 jackdaws. Pleased with that, it was a good day. Will be in the same place on monday.

  2. I have had my new English Springer Spaniel pup for a week now and have been coaxing him with house training since he arrived.


    When I bought him he was in a pen outside with his brothers and sisters and was able to do his business whenever and wherever he wanted.


    The first couple of days went with some success. I let him out and stand outside with him every 3/4 hour and he would reliably do something before we came back inside.


    For overnight I lift his water at 6pm and he has no food after his tea at 5.30pm. He was messy overnight so bought a crate and sectioned it so it was only large enough to sleep in. First 2 nights, brilliant!


    Now though, he has started to turn. When I take him oiut he plays, runs, sits down, stares at me, eats leaves, jumps about but no toiletting. I can be out there half an hour with him and nothing.


    Then when we come back inside he pee's. very frustrating. He has just started to come back in and #2. The crate training that was going so well to start off with is now not going anywhere as he is happy to soil his bed and sleep in it.


    This means I have to bath him and wash his bed before I go to work on a morning.


    I'm holding back now on his basic training until this is corrected and pressure from the wife is also starting.


    Any advice will be gratefully received and I will try whatever anyone suggests.

  3. Yesterday I got my new springer pup Billy to train hopefully as a gundog. I have never trained a dog for the field before and wanted to ask for advice on where to start. Billy is 12 weeks old and is just a bag of beans, a real bundle of fun and life.


    What is the best age to start teaching him the basics such as sit, drop, stay etc. At the minute I want him to settle in and get used to his new surroundings and family and he's so excited he doesn't hear anything you say anyway.


    Any tips or advice will be gratefully received.



  4. On my permission there is a field of rape that isnot as far on as surrounding fields. The field has been fertilised this week and is just greening up. No birds on the field when I got there this morning but they decoyed in quite well. Ended with 14 for a couple of hors shooting. Not a massive bag but enough activity to keep it interesting.

  5. Met with the farmer yesterday who told me that he has 2 rape fields one of which was getting hammered, the other not really touched. I went out today and was all set up by 7:30. Only a slight wind when I got there but it picked up well as the morning went on. Plenty of pigeons about and were coming into my pattern from all directions. I haven't been out in over 20 years and had forgotten how fast they can come in on a good wind. At 9.30 the local school had a couple of football matches start. That killed the action dead. Until then I had had 27 shots but my kill ratio was a bit low and I only ended up with 6. Farmer happy though and I'll be back on the same field next week.


    Have to say, I had heard a lot of negative reports about magnets but bought one anyway. What a buy!!! It helped to turn them in from 400 yards away. Brilliant!! Pattern also included 20 half shells, three bouncers and a couple of hypaflaps.


    Very pleased with my first outing and the birds are still on the rape on my permission.

  6. Met with the farmer yesterday who told me that he has 2 rape fields one of which was getting hammered, the other not really touched. I went out today and was all set up by 7:30. Only a slight wind when I got there but it picked up well as the morning went on. Plenty of pigeons about and were coming into my pattern from all directions. I haven't been out in over 20 years and had forgotten how fast they can come in on a good wind. At 9.30 the local school had a couple of football matches start. That killed the action dead. Until then I had had 27 shots but my kill ratio was a bit low and I only ended up with 6. Farmer happy though and I'll be back on the same field next week.


    Have to say, I had heard a lot of negative reports about magnets but bought one anyway. What a buy!!! It helped to turn them in from 400 yards away. Brilliant!! Pattern also included 20 half shells, three bouncers and a couple of hypaflaps.


    Very pleased with my first outing and the birds are still on the rape on my permission.

  7. Hi


    I'm out trying my luck decoying over rape this Sunday. This will be my first try for 20 years after a break to do my thing in the forces.


    Things have moved on a bit it seems since my last trip. Has anyone got any tips for me to try or advice on set ups etc.


    I have just got one of them new-fangled magnets, a few full bodied and 1/2 shell deeks with a couple of hypa-flaps and a flapper (all from UKSW) with a couple of bouncers.


    Any advice gratefully received.

  8. Good afternoon to everyone


    I've just joined and thought I'd say hello.


    I'm from the York area but currently living on Teesside. I got my SGC last week after about a 20 year break and looking forward to being involved again. I was a very keen shooter back then and I am again already even though I haven't been out yet. Looking forward to next weekend when I'll have that first outing in 20 years.


    This site is great. Nothing like this back then. I have been visiting regularly over the last few weeks and already picked up a lot of tips from the members on here.


    Great forum for sharing knowledge and experiences. Hope I can offer something in return! :look:



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