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Stuart Mackay

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Posts posted by Stuart Mackay

  1. Cracking Day, one and all!!


    Great meeting Mr and Mrs Deano all the way from Barnsley......'ow mootch, thy moost be jorkin!!!


    Special thanks to Al, John and "she who is convinced that she must be obeyed" Nikki for your tireless efforts and banter!!


    Not forgetting Chris, Adam and Phil putting up with my grumpiness towards the end of a long day!! :innocent::lol::friends:

  2. I need another 2 good shooters to support our Team Captain Stu.


    ...no pressure then!!??


    Mind you, Chris, we could always ask Matt to do our loading or if we are going the ten shot pump action/semi-auto route for the flush, the safe option is maybe having Chimp as chief empty cartridge collector??? :lol:

    (We luv ya really, Matt MWAH xxx)

  3. But you're in it Stuart........how can it be a "dream"






    Stuart is always in a dream, in the summer it is a warm dream, in the winter it is a whet dream. :lol::whistling::oops:


    I think you'll find they're called nightmares and not dreams.....



    i should have popped in for a brew todya as was over the road at Swaffham rugby club for a game



    Thank Gawd, I don't have any enemies with mates like you lot!! :lol: :lol:

  4. Ooops, just remembered I need to register for flush with you Alan!!

    Maybe Chris (churchill) and I can be teamed up again?

    See ya then!

    I may have another interested shooter Adam Granger fromNorwich is interested too and will be contacting you via the site to register

  5. Did anyone find a green Gripstick shooting stick/ cartridge magnet, which I left lying around the pool shoot on Saturday evening...it was there on Sunday (I wasnt there) apparently and Alan hasnt had anything handed in...I would appreciate it's return if anyone has seen it?

  6. Had a great day with Chris (Churchill) and Stevo M with Al and the gang today!! Absolutely perfect conditions, great sporting layout with two man flush and the Evans weather Gods had been busy again, ensuring wall to wall sunshine with a welcome breeze!!

    If any of you are thinking about going on Sunday...just hop in the car!!

  7. and a big thank you to stu from our team for making a big effort picking up the emty's carts that is not beer glasses,hes a top posh bloke :),and a big thank you to terry and chris cheers boys


    Aww Burt, tis nice to know that one is appreciated, kept me busy so I did nt have too much time to overthink the shots! :good:

    Absolute pleasure to shoot with Chris, El Tel and yourself, thanks and I learnt something from you all, particularly about that long incoming B bird on stand 4...and we actually hit it and I almost knew what I was doing! :yes:

  8. I thought this was a business so 76 x £22 + tea & burger van comes out at £1672 + so take away the over heads and thats not a bad paid day. i wouldn't mind doing some picking up and people not turning up at that sort of pay out, go to Mildenhall and see how many cartridges are on the floor. sorry just my 2p worth.


    Clearly, fine business advice and support.....so we can expect an excellent flush and sporting layout being run by somone else in the near future for the forum??....somehow I can't see anyone else volunteering and taking on such a weather dependent event......


    Also a big thanks to Alan, Mel, John and Nicky without whom and their tireless efforts, these events just would not happen!


    I agree with the comment elsewhere which suggests a nominal booking charge when registering to offset the ease not to show up on the day and effectively block others from attending.....

  9. Massive thanks to Al & Mel, ably assisted by John & Nicky Hassall for their hardy, selfless organisation and running of the day.

    These guys worked their Bu**s off for the enjoyment of others and I was saddened to hear that the weather had put quite a number of attendees off from coming, causing more last minute rearrangements for the team.

    Great targets as usual, Al, despite the windy conditions causing you a lot of late changes overnight,

    Our team all agreed that you have a direct line to the weather Gods with the sunshine and clear blue skies topping off a great day out for those that came.

    Finally a big thanks to Chas, Chris and Ashley for their company around the shoot as Team 4 with Bakerboy, Tel's stand in help at short notice to help us achieve a five away on the second time around on the Flush.

    John at the pub did a great job on the comestible front, even supplying take away portions of the Chilli!

    Roll on the next PW Beeston Bash!

  10. Thanks again Terry for organising, great day out with fine company, but from results sheet and to avoid the walk of shame, I clearly must practice this shooting malarkey a bit more (or take up stamp collecting)!

    Would gladly attend if you get another one going and look forward to seeing the chaps and you at Norfolk Flush in November!

    From my standpoint, put the remaining folding into the charity pot!

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