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Posts posted by missedagainstan

  1. Haven’t been out with the rifle for ages due to busy work period.


    Home at a reasonable time tonight so with permission from the wife I had the last hour before dark sat up the high seat.


    I had a companion tonight, an owl who sometimes uses the same oak tree as me, luckily I had the camera and got this picture


    also got this young vixen.





  2. Nice fox, in good condition. Are you seeing them paired up ?

    No mate don’t see them paired up

    Back in September we went lamping on the stubbles and never saw a thing on two occasions


    The stubbles don’t last long before there ripped up for a seed bed and the lamping opportunity has gone


    From this high seat and another on the outside of the wood I’ve taken eight foxes since the end of September, this may be as a consequence for the lack of shooting whilst lamping, who knows but no complaints here from me or the farmer. :good:

  3. Got to my high seat about 20minutes late this morning


    Didn’t have to wait long for this big fella to turn up though


    This dog fox was in lovely condition and a good size too


    I shot a fox here in exactly the same place about a month ago


    Shot with a 243 85g ballistic tip round


    After a walk round with nothing else to report, back home early to get back in the good books with the wifey ,


    I wish!..




  4. Went out this morning with the intention of stalking a Muntjac in the wood


    Ended up with this Vixen, shot from sticks and paced out at 85yards


    We both ended up on the opposite ends of the ride at the same time luckily I caught sight of her first, stopping to set up my sticks and only taking my sight of her for a second I thought she had disappeared but she started to come towards me.


    Watched her through the scope, she I think also stalking something in the grass and on the final approach, crouching and head down with slow steps, nice to watch, nearly let her get to her prize but squeezed of the shot before she pounced


    All done probably in about 10 seconds


    Never shot a fox off sticks before so well pleased


    Nice picturesque morning this morning you could have heard a pin drop if it wasn’t for me tramping through the snow


    Saw two muntjac but no shot



  5. Up early this morning 5am keen to get in my newly made & placed high seat to take on the muntjac and sat in it at 5:45, perfect dawn timing


    At 6 am I caught sight of a fox for a few seconds in the trees and crossing the ride to my left after losing sight of it I squeaked at it but it wasn’t having any of that. :hmm::welcomeani:


    At 6:30 the same fox? Went back across the ride in the same place and disappeared in the trees, felt p**@*d off with not getting a second chance only to discover a few moments later another fox sat on the ride only just visible between the bow of the tree I hadn’t had time to clear last week on placing the seat, It was just off side on, do I squeak it forward a bit more or take the shot, couldn’t see any thin branches to deflect the shot so took it. The fox (a young vixen) dropped on the spot, paced it out at 100 paces from the bottom of the ladder.


    Left at 7.30 for a walk round, never saw any deer


    A lean spell on the foxes lately the last one shot about twelve months ago so chuffed with this mornings result.




  6. Up at 3.30am this morning :( and in the high seat by 4.30am, :good: saw the first muntjac, a doe at 5am but unable to take a shot.


    At 5.30 am saw the same doe from earlier browsing along with another doe in the far end of the field heading away from my position.


    At 6.25 this buck came walking up behind my seat heading back for the cover of the wood, looking out sideways from the seat and with the buck at approximately 50yards out I took the shot.


    .243 100gr


    Home for 8am to do last nights washing up and back into the good books B),







  7. Shot this vixen last weekend. I was sat in the high seat at 4.50pm and at 5.30 she came out of the tree line and started to trot down closer to me, :hmm: she stopped and sat on her backside to have a scratch facing me, no better opportunity so I shot her right between the front legs, still in very good daylight at about 80 yards out. Very large exit wound on the other side with a lot of entrails hanging out :lol: . Stopped until about 6.30pm saw another fox but couldn’t get a shot :yes: and four Muntjac on the walk out, always another day :hmm:





  8. Great looking gun there tazkb. I,m looking to get the same model or the berreta extrema in the next couple of weeks, I've done my home work on the Berretta and I used to have the 391, but I 've never handled the Beneli m2, If it handles as good as it looks then for me the m2 tips the scales, can I be cheeky and ask what it cost :good:

  9. a lot lighter than the beretta ex


    Like that


    Do you definitely need the 3.5" chambers on a Super Black Eagle? If you're not a dedicated wildfowler, wouldn't a more conventional Benelli M2 Field be more versatile?



    Never seen the M2 is it similar to the eagle?



    I phoned the gun shop to day to inquire about the black eagle 2, waiting list up untill march/april :good: and a cash price of £950 there about

  10. Evening all


    I have been looking to replace my Beretta semi auto 391 that I px last year to fund my rifle I have taken a liking the Benelli black eagle II but have never picked one up





    Or buy Beretta which I enjoyed shooting when I had one, xtrema 2 would be the choice from the Berretta range.




    Hope the links work :lol:


    Would like to hear your thoughts on both guns especially the Benelli. I don't think I would go wrong with any of the two.


    The px value on my old Beretta last year was excellent


    The gun would be mainly for the pigeon hide and in the black synthetic option :lol:

  11. Had the call from farmer yesterday about a fox they had seen. Got my pass from the wife and was sat in my high seat by 5:45 am this morning :ninja::huh: enough light by 6:20am to pull the trigger,nothing doing by 7:15 just watching the pheasants comeing out so decided to give it another 10 more minutes. Worth the wait :rolleyes::good: Home by 8am for a nice cup of tea :drinks: and to start the painting :(








    Nasty set of teeth

  12. <_< Looks good....do they smell as bad as rabbits? :lol:


    No smell :lol:

    Well done,if it helps you skinned the hardest deer species first the others Roe ,Fallow ,Red will be easy after a muntjac



    Thanks for that, I 've seen a programe on the tv where a chap was skinning a big red , it just seemd to pull of by hand- he probably made it look too easy

  13. I’d seen the skinning and butchering done one time before a few months back and here is my first solo attempt. Started the job at five o’clock next morning, washed down and finished just before 7, good job it was nothing bigger :good: . next time perhaps :no: Quite pleased with the out-come and quite enjoyed it the experience










  14. I had seen this muntjac a couple of times a few weeks or so back, he was feeding on a few sweet apples I had put down a few days earlier on my mentor’s advice. Phone call to mentor and we were sat in the high chair next evening by 5:15 pm eager and ready, by 5:45 pm mentor was nudging me in the arm, he had spotted munty just out of the tree line, I just caught sight of it :lol: before it got back inside the wood :good:. 6:35 pm day light dropping fast now, another 10mins max of light left and nearly a disappointing evening when another nudge in the arm, munty spotted again by mentor ( a well trained eye)150 yards out, quite hard to see out that far now against a black wood line with the naked eye but picked him up in the scope ok as he was standing on wheat stubble, munty seemed to be in a hurry stopping only for a second or two and going to and fro in opposite directions, just got the crosshairs on him then he’d be of again, mentor screaming under his voice SHOOT, SHOOT, by this time he’s coming straight for us, following him in the scope crosshair still on him, about 85 – 90 yards out, he turned just about side on and the shot was away :good:










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