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Posts posted by campionsarmy

  1. OO checking up on me :blink: ,ive had it nearly a year i have shot many riffles etc under supervision of people since i was 15 and no iam 32 any way you are boring me so find another post to interfere with :P


    Reegy this forum is full of members who know naff all about hunting shooting and the members who do know stuff get flamed down or even worst banished.


    ATB Campion

  2. Tried roost shooting yesterday. Only stragglers coming to a really good roosting wood and shot 4 between 1:30 and 3pm. All this time a huge flock could be seen two fields away hopping from rape field to rape field, this flock several hundred strong all seemed to head into roost at once and another 4 birds fell in ten minutes. It was all over by 4pm with hardly a bird to be seen anywhere.




    Very early thats is for roosting I am just off roosting last light 1800hrs down south whats your last light .

    The birds are more likely out feeding at 4PM thats why its so quiet .


    ATB Campion

  3. Thats a real run of bad luck if you where close I would have you round for sunday lunch.


    Makes me think how lucky some of us are and to think some moan about such trival things on forums,thats what you call problems.


    All the very best Campion

  4. There are 3 ways of attack

    1st take it on the chin and pay for the repair yourself.


    2nd contact the your insurance and pass on the details from your tractor driver.


    3rd contact the farmer direct and see if he will pay for the repair.


    Its always a good idear to take a picture of the tractor and the general condition of the trailer etc despite being exempt from many laws they still have make sure that the load is safe along with it being roadworthy.


    The though of that stone hitting you or going though the windscreen sends shiver down my spine.


    ATB Campion

  5. If it stay as dry as it has been the nitorgen will not absorb into the crop as well if we had a shower or two.

    It normally makes it bitter for a week then it turns sweet and the birds really hit it for a two week period before it gets away from them.

    The only time to watch your dog is if they got a damaged pad then the nitro will drive them nuts.


    ATB Campion

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