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cant hit rabbits 123

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Posts posted by cant hit rabbits 123

  1. We went on a materials buying session for a recent projects. One of the team members was a graphic designer with little hands on experience (which is reasonable, given his usual tasks), he went off materials shopping and came back with a price list which was double the budget, claiming that it was as cheap as he could get it. Turns out he'd only been to B&Q, didn't know where else to go. We took him to screw fix and a local wood yard, got everything we needed for for no less than a fifth of the original price list.


    B&Q is genuinely one of the most over charging businesses I've ever come across.

  2. Now, that would be a rather fantastic plan! Just on to the guy with the brass trying to negotiate postage, he wants to courier them which would cost more than the brass itself.


    This is turning out to be worth more than a few pints, might renegotiate with her to get some pub grub thrown in too.

  3. Yeah, the main problem is the low quantity really, as Fister (Who made the kind offer to begin with) says, very few people will regularly use cheapo FMJ, which forces one into buying far more than needed, hence wasting a lot of money. I have sourced once fired brass for £5 for 25, but the issue of having to buy 100 bullets still exists.


    Just a thought, would it be possible to seat a bullet without resizing a fired case? If so, I might be able to knock up something to facilitate that, I only then have to source a smaller quantity of FMJ.

  4. I did look into reloading them, with a view to buying all the equipment, components and so on. Did the old spreadsheet magic and it doesn't become economical to do so until 76.13 units have been made, and with an up front cost of £89.29. She currently wants only 30 or so and can only assign around £25 max from her budget. Think I'll suggest using empty cases and abandoning the idea of live-looking ones.

  5. Initially it would be 30, but she's being indecisive as usual and will most likely decide more are needed once those have been used up. She's having trouble sourcing other bits too so the project isn't happening in a hurry, so its a case of as and when anything is available.

  6. Evening one and all,


    An arty friend of mine is doing a project related to the two world wars, mix of media's including sculpture and so on. Anyway, part of the idea is to use second world war ammunition for various aspects. Being the consulting gun owner I've somehow managed to get myself into helping with this side of it.


    Anyway, after it was explained that getting hold of world war two ammunition would cost an arm and a leg, plus it being highly illegal for her to do, she moved on to looking at collectables shops and so on and found inert ammunition for sale, however .303 seems to cheaper to buy live from Prvi than these inert collectors pieces.


    My point in hand; how difficult and costly would it be to source some fired cases (without preference to how new or old they are, just cheap) and seat some bog standard solid bullets in them? Would it be possible to do 'unskilled', or would it be necessary to buy a lee load all or some such?


    Quick note to any Mods reading, I'm not entirely sure if this should be in reloading, but then again its not really reloading, just bashing some heads into empty cases.




    Thanks chaps!

  7. Here's an idea, see if you can get word out to Lincoln Uni graphic design students, ask if any would be interested in designing you one to your spec and on your approval. Alot will jump at the chance to get real world experience, even if it is only for a company logo. Offer a small amount of cash and it becomes commission work that they can put in a portfolio and they will be fighting for the chance, and you have the pick of the lot.


    That way you get a design exactly how you want it, made on professional systems, by people who have a fair few years of experience using it, all for the price of a few beers.


    Edit to say, students will tend to be happy to propose outside and unusual ideas so you can get some pretty unique designs submitted. I did something similar for a cafe last year (Furniture design though). They paid for the materials and the van to get them there, I used it to add to my portfolio, get some experience and spent the small change from the materials budget on half a cider when I'd finished.

  8. There have been people on this thread discussing Dresden like it was an atrocity like the world had never seen before. Granted, it was a truly awful that should never have come to pass, but the same tactic was used from the very outset of the war, by both sides.


    December the 12th, 1940. A Luftwaffe raid on Sheffield was launched, the pathfinder flight arriving over target at 7 41 PM. This pathfinder unit, consisting of 13 medium bombers, dropped 11,089 incendiary bombs on residential suburbs on the opposite side of the city to the industrial targets. Another 280 bombers followed, dropping a mixture of incendiary and high explosive munitions, almost all of which fell on the city centres or residential areas. The bombing carried on until 4 AM, many aircraft carrying out multiple sorties on the same night on the same target. Notable hits were Sheffield Cathedral, the C & A building and the Marples Hotel, the latter two being totally destroyed with significant loss of life in single incidents.


    Bombing conditions were perfect, a still cloudless night with a full moon. Residential areas and the city centre were deliberately targeted.


    The central first aid centre at the Grand hotel couldn't keep up with the wounded, nor could they deal with the massive amount of horrific burns victims, many of whom were untreatable and could only be comforted before they died. The centre ran out of medical supplies after only the first wave of bombers passed.


    This was one night, in one city, and by no means was it the worst. This sort of bombing happened across Europe on an almost daily basis for the duration of the war. Dresden was a humanitarian disaster, an act of cruelty and possibly verging on war crimes. However, to dress it up as a single incident that was perpetrated by vengeful allied air command is absurd. And whether you meant to or not, that is how it has come across.


    Back on topic, I believe it is the duty of everyone to learn about the holocaust. So long as such horrors are remembered, one can hope they will never be perpetrated again.

  9. Its not about what information I don't want them to have, its based on principle and a concern to where such powers might lead. A friend of mine brought up an excellent point the other day about the matter. What if, in the not too distant future, we end up with a government of substantial right leanings? Its not impossible, its not even that unlikely the way UK politics are going. What if they decide they don't like a certain group of people? What if they decide homosexuals are bad for society? You may laugh and call it a mad conspiracy theory but its already happened in Russia, its a public persecution for anyone of that persuasion. What if said government used the power that you voted to give them to start tracking down and persecuting those people? It could be any social minority, for almost any reason. A small trickle can lead to a big flood.


    History repeats itself, and its our duty as decent human beings to stop as many atrocities as we can, preferably before they start.

  10. 'Nothing to hide, nothing to fear' is a dangerous line to follow. History has repeatedly shown such paths to be disastrous. Post war Germany, late 20's early 30's, the SA made efforts to intrude into private information. This continued when the National Socialist party came to power, to seek out the 'terrorists' of their day. The SA, and later SS and Gestapo had pretty much free reign to search, confiscate from and detain people for anything the government deemed dangerous. I do believe we all know the outcome. But remember, that government was democratically elected to save and protect the country, and was allowed by its people to take such measures in the name of national security.


    Just because the government that is in now probably won't go a little do-lally and become rather unpleasant doesn't mean the next one wont. UKIP is on the rise, they might take it a step further and start searching for people they believe shouldn't be in the country and interring them. Who might come after them? Who's to say the next lot won't be even worse? Who's to say they won't start to target you, your friends, your family because they deem you dangerous to the state. What if they were targeting you with powers you voted to give them?


    I'm all for the intelligence services being given the tools and support to fight those who would do us harm, but not at the cost of our future freedom.

  11. I have some very recent experience of the NHS, the A and E department in particular. There were some notable issues caused not by staff, but by fellow patients. I was assaulted on new years eve, on the way to a do. Hadn't had a drink, wasn't particularly late, pretty normal walk really to a house I'd visited several times before. Anyway, details aren't important but I was attacked without provocation, ending up with two breaks in my jaw and a very painful neck. I was refused an ambulance as they were at full stretch and it wasn't life threatening, made my own way to the hospital with a friend where I sat in A and E literally surrounded by drunks and people with menial injury. I waited for two and a half hours while people with what were little more than colds and drink related injuries were sent through triage until I passed out and was then bumped up the list.


    Spent several hours in resus again surrounded by people with injuries caused by being drunk or other people being drunk, people brought in by police in handcuffs after drunkenly fighting, people who had drunk themselves into unconsciousness, a woman abusing nursing staff in between bouts of vomit. Assuming this was a new years eve phenomena, my friend talked to the staff about it while they were sorting out some painkillers for me, transpires its not much worse than the average Friday or Saturday.


    My point being that if hospitals weren't swamped with idiots with self inflicted injuries and those who have gone in with a cold that, at worse they could see a GP about but most would just deal with at home, the NHS would have more time, staff and money to deal with people who legitimately need urgent care and help. We cannot do without the NHS. There are so many people who simply could not get medical help without it, and I believe it is one of the pillars of society that make this country great. However it is being dragged down and choked by an overuse by people who should simply not be there.

  12. Its very, very important to take into consideration how complex almost everything is today. I fix a lot of stuff I own, but then again I'm very practically minded and have a wide range of skills I learned from my early teens, now being 21. I'm very, very good with cars, I've got a 60's VW beetle, re built the entire car including two engines for it, done plenty of work on other cars of a similar age too as part of my job. However, took me nearly 6 hours to change an oil pressure monitor on a new Fiat 500. Anyone but a person with professional garage skills and experience has no hope. Crack open a television thats less than 3 years old. Without having attended an extensive training course and having plenty of background knowledge, have fun trying to fix that.


    Yes, my generation is stopping fixing things, but mostly not through lack of motivation, simply because in most cases it cannot be done by a layman. There are a huge amount of things I use in every day life that I'm confident I couldn't fix in many cases, and I have a lot of experience and ability. The other students in my house study academic subjects, are not practical people and have only worked in retail, what hope do they have of fixing the boiler, the fridge, their cars or even the sink in a world where modern products are so complex some need degree's in engineering to understand?

  13. It was stated in the report posted that all other over-limit guns were factory delivered and un-modified. I think its a case of him being not fully aware of air gun laws. The report also stated he was from Rhodesia originally which has markedly different gun laws. Now, although ignorance is no excuse, and he has likely had more than enough time to learn the laws, it can be extremely hard to shift a mind set learned as part of your upbringing.

  14. It annoys me when I see other drivers with lights not working or just not on greatly, as it poses a substantial safety risk to them, others on the road and myself. However, it amuses me greatly when an over exuberant fellow motorist tries to persuade me I only have my side lights on when I have my full beams on, or when someone tells me my rear lights are wired wrong as my brake lights flash rather than (non-existent) indicators. I check my car for full functions every time I go out, as its much more likely to have a mood over something than a modern car.

  15. They passed a police car at one point. I suspect they probably couldn't read the license plates at those speeds, let alone consider trying to catch them. You can only hope they realise how dangerous it is, maybe they already have done after watching the video back, and give up driving like a nut.

  16. Evening chaps!


    I don't suppose anyone here would be needing a loader for any shoots this season?


    Current Uni student in Sheffield, short on cash as always and looking to generate some food budget.


    Unfortunately my ability to travel is limited due to me not having my car with me at Uni, and I am restricted on week days somewhat with having to go into uni. However! Well presented, well spoken and willing to walk, carry and load as for as long as you care to shoot!


    So, if you or a shooting buddy find yourself in need of a loader then I would be more than happy to discuss such an opportunity!


    Many thanks, chaps!


  17. I'll be keeping mine on as long as it sticks! Taxing the car has always been a novelty and I love having a tax disk (The car being tax exempt makes it so much better!) The new method seems like it might invite non-payments though, I don't think I've driven past an ANPR camera in at least a year and half, maybe more. Although I wouldn't chance it (whats the point when the tax disk is free?) I know people who would do!

  18. The work is part time work to get money for Uni next year (My loan doesn't even cover rent, let alone bills, food and additional course costs), and this job wasn't handed to me on a plate, it was the result of an awful lot of hard work. I've been working it for 2 weeks and I've only just covered by petrol costs I racked up trying to get work in the first place. The sad fact of the matter is that, in my area at least, work simply isn't available. That is also a contributing factor to everyone in the local area paying as little as possible, you accept the low wage or you don't have a job at the end of the day. Sad state of affairs. I'd like to think at least I'm not relying on it to live, but come September I will be.


    Anyway, thats by the by. Back to the tread topic.

  19. Christ, I wish you chaps would employ me! £5 an hour at 13?! I'm 20 years old, I have a range of qualifications and experience and work 5 9 hour shifts manual labour, and I'm on £5.03 P/H. With no offence to any 13 year olds that may read this, but I'm highly confident I can work faster, work harder, last longer without tiring and generally be much more effective at a given task than any 13 year old. Now the question is, is the 13 year old massively over paid or am I underpaid?

  20. Currently being a student myself, I have something of an insight into this matter.


    First off, the student loan can be roughly seen as two parts. The first is the tuition fees, which is never seen by either student or parent, and is paid straight to Uni. The second is the living loan, with grants and bursaries and so on on top if you qualify for any. Living costs vary from place to place, I'm probably living on about £5000 a year including rent, bills, food and the occasional night out. People I know who go out a lot can blow my living budget on nights out alone, so be wary there. Some courses, such as mine, have additional costs for materials and other related costs that are neither mentioned when you look at the course, nor are subsidised by the Uni so I end up with a few hundred pounds extra on my outgoing each year. On a three year course, I'm looking at nigh on £45, 000 all in, and to refuse a loan or consider it a 'top up only', you either have to be mad, rich, or both.


    University has become a big financial commitment, only encourage your children to go if they really want to, and are going to do a worth while course.

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