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  1. I first started riding bikes off road in the 1950's before I started secondary school (just to show what an old **** I am.) I always nodded to everyone on my first road bike - a 250cc BSA C15 but that was only because it vibrated so badly - everything nodded or shook. Now I do it even when I'm not on a bike.......
  2. I've been hanging my nose over one for a few weeks.Price around £550 new locally. Never fired a 28g but the light weight appeals to me now I'm old and knackered.My only slight concern is the price of cartridges.
  3. I.'ve just insured with the RAC via Go Compare.For my 300tdi Landrover 110 County .Me and the wife on the policy, 9years NCD, £200 total excess and 8000 miles pa.Cost £121.00. If you go direct to RAC its £150.00. Mind you I am an ewd ***** of 68.... and my landy struggles to do 70 mph max.
  4. I have 2 cockers, both from Timsgarry lines.The 4 year old is a big (18kg) strong dog who will work all day and retrieve over land or water and pick up after a drive,Great for sending on to a lake to get the ducks up. His only fault is that he sometimes goes out to far from me when quartering- my fault as I let him do this over a period of time - but he always comes back on the whistle.My 10 month old dog has proven a bit easier to train as he watches me all the time.He quarters well and stops on the whistle at distance.Retrieving on dummies just started.Happy with both dogs - most faults are down to me - cannot blame the dogs.After 30 plus years of having Springers I am more than happy to have cockers working with me.Full of character and very happy dogs.You just have to keep on top of them.
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