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pembrokeshire pigeon

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Posts posted by pembrokeshire pigeon

  1. have a look on gunstar.

    i searched for a few weeks until the right 1 came up and bought a very nice ugartechea for under £500. plenty on there, take your time and im sure something will crop up. CLA game fair next month too, if you cant find 1 there you wont find 1 any where

  2. i think everyone who has paid their respects in wootton basset should be congratulated for their efforts during repatriation of deceased servicemen.

    i think they have helped massively to raise the profile of our armed forces, along with the various charities such as help for heroes who have done so much for injured soldiers.

    as an ex-service man i feel i can comment and say that we haven't always been welcomed by everyone, but the profile has been raised by those mentioned, all to the good. if only our governemnt would do the same, pay them what they deserve and give them the kit they need.

  3. I'll agree that they are expensive, but I spoke to Chris at this yrs CLA, royal mail set the £18 postage due to the length of the pole. Not sure wot other couriers would cost. I bought 1 and it looks very life like.

    Chris and James are genuinely nice people, as a novice I like their DVDs and find them very interesting. More experienced shooters may not agree tho.

  4. thanks for the replies gents.

    the shot to pigeon ratio could have been way better, a good few i shot first time stone dead, a couple needed a 2nd before they flapped off into the hedge. and a couple of times, i had nothing for 3 shots. if i shot like this all the time id be very happy, hope it bodes well for Thursday when the duck season starts.

    it was a good few hrs in other respects, as the decoys worked perfectly. the birds came over a small but tall wood, saw the deeks and just came straight in. when they did come in more than 4 or 5 i got very excited, thinking of left and rights, 3 dead in the air at once etc and pretty much wasted 2 cartridges, shooting birds in my head before i shot any in the air.


    good tho, didn't go today but hope to tomorrow

  5. Hi all


    I'm very inexperienced at shooting, I've been out half a dozen times in the last few weeks but without much success.

    I went out this morning, keen as mustard, in the field by 6.30, and managed just 4 pigeons in 2 1/2 hrs. the filed had been cut in the last few days, where i parked my land rover, i found a pile of cartridges and evidence of a hide so i guess i was too late.


    an old mate of mine rang me and asked if i wanted to go out, yup you bet. so i met him at the chosen farm. i saw a pile of pigeons lift but he wasn't convinced we were in the right spot. i set up any way, just settled down and pigeons came into my decoys, bang - dead. tidy darts i thought. next pigeon, bang - dead. **** me I'm on fire. the birds flew in steadily for the next 3 hrs in ones and two's. i had some great shots and quite a few rubbish ones too.


    in total, 29 pigeons for 76 cartridges. not great but aint bad by my standards. ratio of 1 to 2.6!!!!. a good shot would of bagged up easily i think. i only took sitters and not too many crossers.


    the old fella, had a few shots but wanted to find a spot where he could see 4-500 birds feeding. your insane i thought, but we had a look around a few other farms and sure as eggs is eggs, one field had a good few birds in maybe 300. so he wasn't too insane after all. another foray planned tomorrow.


    All good practice for the wildfowling season.


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