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  1. is that hatsan a left hander?

  2. always used black gold for pigeons anyone tried pigeon extreme and are they as good as ive heard cheers
  3. hello again mate will be in brid sometime next week so as soon as i know what day will e-mail you and pick gun up thats if you still have it.
  4. Hi, bought gun today of pigeon watch member Mick54, gun was MINT and well looked after as he described. Would advise anyone to do business with Mick, a genuine honest bloke. TOP MEMBER Cheers Mick.
  5. get back on 29th december will be intrested if you still have gun.
  6. Hello everybody, new to site and looking forward to hearing about your days in the field and picking up a few hints and tips from you all.
  7. looking foward to reading your comments tips and hearing about your days in the field

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