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Posts posted by shutemytee

  1. Hi guys,


    I'm thinking about going to have a lesson with John. I know a few of you have shown some interest so thought i'd open it up and we can all go for the day/half day (and hopefully get a group deal).


    Ive not spoken to him direct yet, but our BakerBoy seems to think he'd be open to the idea. I'd imagine 6/7 would be a fair group size so let me know interest, then we can work out dates from there (once I've spoken to John).






    Ben, I'm interested. I spoke to Bakerboy the other day and he mentioned it, all depends on the date.



  2. Hi guys,


    I'm thinking about going to have a lesson with John. I know a few of you have shown some interest so thought i'd open it up and we can all go for the day/half day (and hopefully get a group deal).


    Ive not spoken to him direct yet, but our BakerBoy seems to think he'd be open to the idea. I'd imagine 6/7 would be a fair group size so let me know interest, then we can work out dates from there (once I've spoken to John).





  3. I may be wrong but I dont think you can hypo on metformin as long as you eat regularly, little and often. try and see a dietician they will give what advice you need regarding food, normally slow release carbs no sugar and cut out fat. I have found that everyone gives you different advice it's certainly opinionated and the best are the diabetic nurses.You will also get free eye tests. Try not to worry about it a normal life is liveable just have to get used to regular blood tests and being preached at every now and again.

    All the best


  4. Just had a really good day with Baker Boy in Hertfordshire. My first time out over pigeon. BB was is excellent tutor, talked me through the ground, flight lines, decoys (shape and wind direction) and setting up the hide. Not a lot of birds around but I learened a lot and will never forget the day.

    BB is a terrific chap and knows his stuff. He loves helping out. Some might wonder where I got my name from 'shutemytee' It's exactly what it says I wanted to 'shoot my tea' which is what I did and the pigeon was delicious.

    Excellent day, thanks again BB.


  5. Hello All, I have been a member for just over a week. I have met a few people and went to a great 'do' on Monday night in St Albans.

    I am local to St Albans and new to shooting. I got my shotgun licence in March this year and have since joined a local clay club which I find great fun. I obviously have lots to learn ( it's like rocket science at the moment).I am very interested in getting involved in pigeon shooting other game shooting and beating as the season is about to start.

    Any one out there want a bit of company/help pigeoning?, I just want to learn.



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