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Posts posted by surrey1978

  1. hi mate i know your post is realy old but i have a vulcan i picked up yesterday of a guy that needid cash i dont realy need the gun it dose want some love and care but it shoots ok and there no damage to it its a 1.77



  2. hi all i know its a week day on 4th but if theres anyone going to dartford for a shoot be good to meet some faces down there me and my mate have been going for some time now and havent managed to actaly get to know anyone mabye where just to ugly to talk to . well let me know ill be down there for my last shoot before arm surgery so 6 months off from shooting :( for me mite even get you a cuppa tea if your lucky



  3. same problem here there takeing up room and my kids would ruin them best if thay went some place where there be better looked after the leather sofa we got at moments has all kinds of stuff over it wee food boggys e.c.t so im not going to use the chesterfields in the next 20years lol


    thinking of ebay but its setting up an account and then all the waiting plus had a look theres loads on there



    looks like im loody stuck with them lol

  4. Would love to take but would have to store for a couple of years myself, eBay them but don't know what they are worth?


    same problem here there takeing up room and my kids would ruin them best if thay went some place where there be better looked after the leather sofa we got at moments has all kinds of stuff over it wee food boggys e.c.t so im not going to use the chesterfields in the next 20years lol


    thinking of ebay but its setting up an account and then all the waiting plus had a look theres loads on there

  5. hi all i have a Chesterfield two seater sofa & chair in the garage takeing up space there dark green with the brass studs e.c.t there alittel old and cracked in places but have no rips or holes so just look nicely aged .can get pics if theres an intrest . im not sure what there realy worth just trying to get some money together for a sxs or o/u to restore so if any ones intrested drop me a line



    been looking on ebay the chair on there is going for £180 and sofa £300 .so mite put them on there unless any of you lot have some thing good to swap

  6. hi all i have a Chesterfield two seater sofa & chair in the garage takeing up space there dark green with the brass studs e.c.t there alittel old and cracked in places but have no rips or holes so just look nicely aged .can get pics if theres an intrest . im not sure what there realy worth just trying to get some money together for a sxs or o/u to restore so if any ones intrested drop me a line



  7. hi all just posting here agin out of desperation .im looking for shooting land or pigeons to shoot for me and my mate .we did get our first permisson yesterday through an old friends father but today have been told we cant shoot due to him having problems with planing permisson with local council and residents so cant let us be blasting away .we are willing to offer ourselfs up for any work or jobs that mite need doing anything considerd where be happy to help . we both have our shotgun licences and basc insurance .



  8. hi all i know its a long shot but me and a mate are tryig to find land or pigeons to shoot anyware .same problem as with everyone else its just to hard to find im even thinking of going to a psychic to ask where to go next lol we both have gun licencs and basc insurance .where 33 & 36 so where now out of the silly teenage years where happy to travel some distance aswell


    so if just by chance anyone has even the worst patch of land with just one pigeon and landmines on it where be happy


    thanks lawrence

  9. hi all i have not long got a brownng 525 sporter 12g 30" barrells brand new at £1245 its a lovley gun and has fantastic wood for a grade one its also multy choke with case e.c.t its had 260 shots through it only prolem is i feel its abit to long in the stock and a littel bit of me wanted a brettea me and my mate got two of thease browning at same time and hes of a larger build to me and suits him perfectly . so im just woundering before i start having it shortend down at a cost what is out there to mabye swap with ?

    forgot to add im looking at getting back to 28" barrels to .


  10. hi all im just woundering is there a place where i could get a 28" browning 525 barrel secoundhand or new .and if so would this fit to my 30" browning with no problems or is it not so straght forward ? ahhh its 12g .



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