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Posts posted by flyshooter

  1. I don't normally comment on here, but this post is quite a concern to me, as quite simply I love my Springer. I train her every day, and as it could mean her getting caught up in thicket, I always carry a large pair of secateurs, I find these a lot more handy than a knife, long, sharp and easy to hold., I really do hope I don't have to use them.

  2. A very informative thread.


    However, having read it, I will stick to my pipe and enjoy the flavor and the nicotine kick from my beloved Dunhill pipe tobacco

    Try an electric pipe, I used one for 7 months, made my own liquid and being in the food trade all my life, found out the ingredients are practically all in food, cosmetics and medicines :) , that'll cause some looking up :lol: . After the 7 months vaping, I stopped vaping all together, I retired my Peterson pipe and 4 ounces of unopened Gold Block (smoked it for 53 years) and have not looked back after 3 years, smoke and vapor free. My only disappointment in stopping, is not having any thing now to ward off #~'@ people, will have to get a tea shirt with Bug Off on the back.

  3. I am sure that this has been raised and answered previously so I apologise for being too idle to search through previous posts, but will ask again.


    If a gun is purchased with two sets of barrels, do both sets to be entered on one's certificate ?


    Many thanks in advance for any replies given.



    I have a George Newman 1906 12 g s/s with twin barrels I bought 2015, from Wabbit Bosher. The gun was sent to my local gun dealer, there is no reference to twin s/s barrels entered on my certificate although I am sure I informed the Chelmsford licensing, there were twin barrels and the barrels description, chokes receiver etc. (Essex)



    I do remember when I first studied "dyscalculia" that we started looking at the psychology/physiology of "counting". An awful lot of work has been done on birds with lots of observations from twitchers that if some birds see two people enter a hide they change their behaviour as they're alarmed until they see someone leave the hide. They also need to know how many eggs they've got in their nest and how many predators they've seen encroach on the territory. Most birds' counting systems are based on [APOLOGIES] "Red Indian Counting" [/APOLOGIES] - I think most work has been done on corvids:


    "One, two, many..."

    Marsh warblers can count up to three (their normal clutch) as they notice if a cuckoo doesn't throw out exactly one egg before laying its own.

    Blimey Dr Blox, you will have the "Pigeon Watch Click " after yu', posting that.

  5. And if police had not been there in 8 minutes ?? These nutters are not representing any religion, if they where, they would ask their victims what religion, they, (the attacked) were, before assaulting them, surely they would not wish to hurt their own kind, they, the nutters, will kill any body they can get at.

  6. Hi David, there are two clay shoot venues, one in, and one just out side Tiptree. The one out side Tiptree is opposite Tom's Farm Shop (Five bar gate, shooting this Sunday 12th 10am) I only vaguely know a couple of guys who shoot there, the other one is at Warrior's Rest, I some times shoot there, the following Sunday 19th February, again 10am start. Each shoot (alternate Sundays, and independent of each other) have members and guest shooters. I know Warrior's Rest shoot really well as I helped to set up the stands there for 6 years and am able to give you a lot more info', prices, phone number of guy who runs it, etc.. but would feel better to do latter by way of personal message. If you wish to know more p.m. me, even if I am fishing on the day, a friend of mine would meet you there to introduce you to the guys and gals, regards, Gel.

  7. Very few song birds at sea, very few song birds in the desert, very few song birds 1000 yards up in space, not the right sort of environment for them, perhaps if us humans stopped dropping concrete every where and gave the birds back their environment (and took the blame for their demise instead of pointing the finger at other animals) we might have a few more to enjoy.


    Hmmmm, interesting, so i'm guessing, reading all the hype about the ff5 on facebook it seems to be the most favourite tool at the moment, if I bought two, would they both run all day on a 4.5 amp battery? I see also there is a Bluetooth controlled model, looking on their fb page, what do people recon about this, has anyone on here got one?

    I will stand out to say two FF5 Flappers would see the best part of a day out on one 4.5 amp battery but it would require one longish lead to one of the Flappers, to keep them at a reasonable distance from each other though. The Bluetooth I have no experience with, sorry.

  9. I've just asked a similar question on here, so would this be the best bit of kit to go for, as apposed to a rotary?

    I have the FF5 (as said above 8) I also have the Hyper Flapper rotary, the skinny one. Firstly the FF5 will run all day on a four and a half amp battery and then some, where as the rotary will only run for about 5 hours, the Flapper is less to carry with no pegs or guide ropes, but you would need a dead bird as opposed to the hyper Flappers Hyper decoys. I use a sawn down hide pole to get the Flapper up higher in a standing crop, where as the rotary has the benefit of a slide pole to higher it. I have no experience with Rotaries that use dead birds and can only imagine the weight would be quite a lot more to carry. All in all I would say they are both good on the day, separate or working together, there will be a lot of split opinions on this I am sure.

  10. Hello, I've had my dog to the vet for a check up and he's said my sprinters teeth arnt the best and gums a bit swollen and she will have to have them cleansed at the vet , now I find this hard to believe because last year he said they was in perfect condition. Before going to extreme levels I would like to try a good chew that will help clean them ? Cheers

    Try fish skin cubes for dogs off of the net, teeth clean and lots of Omega 3.

  11. has anyone got or used one of these flappers and if they have are they any good

    I have had one since March last year, it has been used alongside other makes belonging to fellow shooters. It has been no trouble and compering the different makes I am glad I chose the FF5, great machine. p.s. I'd love another one :good: .

  12. I don't know what all the fuss is about . Mrs Harnser and me are both in our seventies . She doesn't see to well and I don't hear to well ,but between us we manage to drive all over the place . Mind you we do keep our speed down to about 80 miles an hour . Never had more than 3 knocks in any week .



    You could reduce the knocks per week by leaving the caravan at home :yahoo:

  13. I think this is how a lot of people on here assume 70 year olds are like.


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    Not far out there, although it seems to be the younger set who moan like mad about carrying their gear over fields to set up their hide, :lol:

  14. Never mind about good stoppers. The big problem is breaking distance, good stopping is superfluous if you have no distance to stop in.

    I must admit I don't get so many boot huggers since I got the Defender although their is still the odd moronic individual who can't visualise what would happen if their "bean tin" hit the back of the Landrover at any speed. :|

    My other pet hate is cars that cram up at junctions. My instructor many moons ago always taught me to leave a pull out gap between me and the car in front at junctions. It means you can get out if the car in front breaks down and gives a gap if they roll back some especially on a hill start. It also stops the domino effect if someone behind doesn't stop.

    Why haven't you enough room to stop in, car in front reversing perhaps?

  15. Every time someone is shot in this country, there is press campaign for tighter controls - whether the guns were legally held or not.


    We protest and feel it is totally unfair, but are ready to put the boot in elderly drivers with breath taking speed - no pun intended.


    No hint of double standards whatsoever. :whistling::whistling: :whistling:

    How true.

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