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Posts posted by Davva

  1. It's the dc725 model the batteries are 1.3ah yes it also has hammer action


    I'll strongly recommend this drill, and the price is good, but for professional daily use I'd upgrade the batteries......... Still a brilliant deal for someone!

  2. Had my first shoot on a new permission tonight, a few months ago I got chatting to a customer of mine and the conversation turned to clay shooting & he mentioned his Dad owned a Farm. Although most of the farm has been leased out to other farmers and was fenced off, there is still a nice area of half a dozen medium sized paddocks separated by strips of woodland & a stream.


    We took approx an hour and a half to walk around, bagging two squirrels and a rat. Saw a few long distance pigeon and clever crows, maybe next time they'll fly a bit closer.......


    Hoping to build a up good relationship here so I can ask if he will introduce me to the tenant farmers and/or any friends of his with farmland and pests.


    Fingers crossed.

  3. Ring Santander on a nationally advertised telephone number and give your finance reference number and check to see if they have records of the payments, problems or any other info they hold on you. If they say the finance is settled, ask for written proof. This will check whether Santander are chasing you or a scammer pretending to be them, if it's a scammer pass the details over to Santander so they can close them down....


    If that doesn't work, I'd get myself down to DFS and start "discussing it loudly" with the manager or salesperson or customers or anyone in front of the sales desks at a busy time (shame you just missed the bank holiday)

    Demand they resolve this for you as they arranged the credit, and DFS will be FSA regulated, mention the complaint you are going to write to the FSA & Financial Services Ombudsman, Trading Standards and the letter to the local/national press...


    File a small claims court action against Santander and/or DFS (only cost a few quid) claiming compensation for harassment, but please make sure you haven't make any mistakes ref: payments missed etc. I'd aim for compensation of the cost of the sofa, time spent @ £20p/h and an admin fee for each letter sent and all court costs.


    An Experian credit report - Costs a massive £2 online - Will let you know if you have any outstanding credit problems from this..... It'll cost you £80, 2 x copies of your proof of payment and a half-day off work to have a county judge "set aside" a wrongful judgement..


    Good Luck. :D

  4. Does anyone know how reliable/accurate the speed readout is on a Sat Nav?

    (I have a Sony version about 6yrs old - if it makes a difference)


    Well, when my Sat Nav states I am travelling 70mph the speedo is on 78mph.

    I understand there is an accepted variance of approx 10% on a normal speedometer, so my 70 could really be 63-77.....? Is there a variance on Sat Nav speedo readings? From the road signs I did actually seem to be travelling slower than 70mph when the needle was on 70mph....... Sorry, boring I know but I travelled 600miles over Easter week/weekend.


    Which should I believe? :unsure:


    Come and have a look without charge... Not many of those engineers about. Expect around £50 for a call out including first hour


    I don't charge to have a look, gets me loads of repeat business and even more recommendations. :D


    If it's water that comes out, the pressure vessel is knackered.


    That's what I was trying to say in a round about way... Just re-read what I wrote and it's not explained well, sorry!

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