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Everything posted by StMarysLane

  1. Thanks guys! I've been interested in engraving for a good while, so much so I once bought all of the necessary equipment and took a course, but I lacked the endurance to climb that learning curve. I was surprised to find this kind of gun at a small gun show, but when I glanced in the case, I decided to buy it pretty much right off. I was so eager it didn't dawn on me it would have 2 1/2" chambers and almost returned it. After looking into options - lengthening the chambers, etc., I found a vendor for the shorter shells and have three flats of lower pressure ammunition on the way. It has 25" barrels with open chokes (Cyl/IC) so it should make a quick little grouse and woodcock gun, and I'm about 100 miles from the epicenter of grouse country in the US. I'm just tickled to be its new custodian. On the St. Mary's 10.5 address, if you check out the double gun thread I referenced above, someone posted a picture of the shop behind "10", if you're interested. Thanks again and I'll check back periodically to see if there's been any new information added.
  2. Gentlemen, first, thank you from across the pond for having this site and special thanks to those interested in engraving and in Henry Morris. Yesterday in a small town in Wisconsin (US) I bought a beautiful little 20 gauge shotgun purely on the basis of its apparent build quality and the beauty of its engraving. It's marked "H. Bissell" on the receiver and "H. Bissell, 10 St. Mary's Row, Birmingham, 4" on the barrels. In trying to find out who did the engraving I came across this site and the discussion here, though I did not have access to the images until a few minutes ago. In a pure stroke of luck, the birds on the right side of the action above are identical to mine, so I thought I would share pictures of my new gun and be available for any questions anyone might have. I'm not sure about uploading pictures here, but I'll give it a whack. If the pictures do not appear, they can be seen in the thread started by the man I bought it from here: http://doublegunshop.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=171125&page=1 Best! Mark
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