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Andy B

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Posts posted by Andy B

  1. wired are far better than wireless ones though they are better than waht they used to be.get good gear not argos stuff.wireless needs batteries changing every year but if you get a service contract with fitter they will do it for a fee(you also get call out cover to).

    Wiring could be a pain depending on house lay out flooring etc.getting a monitored system for a house is a bit pointless in my eyes, you can fit a dialer than phones a pre set list of friends/family upon activation.hope this helps

  2. dont think of injurys,i hate that mentallity.sounds like your just hanging around waiting to die,get a crosser-im here for a good time not a long time.you could get knocked down tomoro and paralised.infact get a job save up and buy both!!

  3. At a previous job i was tea boy and whilst making the brews one day i heard what i though was a work chum coming in so i decieded to hide behind the door and jump out on the unsuspecting victim,only while in my full terror tactic pose and roar i realised it was the electrician who had been working on a machine after picking his a**s up he didnt find it that funny.

  4. yeah a kit or mix and match

    Just seen you are up in Yorkshire area.

    I can get one down here but will have to check price and Poastage for you.


    I will ask and get back to you.





    What a gent thanks

  5. good i say - why do you need samuri swords anyway -( unless you are a japanese samuri that is)


    Most of the people i've seen with them are just chavs and druggies, who have them because the think they are 'cool man'

    good you say! good for who? whe've already been down this road with handguns,

    did it stop shootings NO.now theres more than ever.

    Its all very well for some fat little hitler to sit there and put a ban on somebodies prize collection.

    some of these replica swords are a work of art in there own right.

    so if its going to be illegal who will refund the purchase cost of these said items.

    just to put matters straight for the shortsighted. I own one. I'm NOT a chav i'm NOT a druggie, but a retired business man who collects for a hobby.

    perhaps ypu would like to reimburse me for my loss?

    bet you don't say good when they get round to banning shotguns. :lol:



    hes right ban this and we move closer to the top of the `to ban` list

  6. Sorry felas but one mans meat is another mans poison ,Beauty is only skin deep and half of them are as faules as there boobs, Wretchid creatures its the dearest pet you can ever have, because when they do one they take every thing includeing half your guts


    dont want to marry her,just swing her round for 45 seconds-got to be honest.

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