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Richard V

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Posts posted by Richard V

  1. Hey,


    Although the SGC doesn't expire until 2017, I've just recieved a letter offering an renewal (!), the fee being pro-rata'd to £16.


    The reasoning is that they want to even out the number of renewals throughout the 5 year cycle, as it would appear that they're busy for 3 years, and quiet for the other 2.


    Anybody else get this letter? I didn't think the 5 weeks it took from visit to recieving the SGC was too long, which I guess would be their busy period.



  2. UKIP member for 3 years (back then keeping your deposit (>5%) was considered a fantastic result!) I personally believe the EU will cause a war rather than prevent it and I would like to see the whole of Europe out of the EU. While it started with good intentions in the days of Monnet and Schuman with the European Coal and Steel Community preventing another European war it just grown into a bureaucratic monster stealing money from Cypriot savers and reaching the end goal of the "European Project" at any costs, including proping up a failing political currency and ignoring all referendums which disagrees with what they (the EU comission) want. With the EU lacking legitimate permission to exist from the peoples of Europe it will cause a war :(


    Europe should be 30-odd soverign nations trading with eachother, agreeing reciprocal laws, and in alliance with eachother. This model simply won't work. The beauty with Europe IMO is that many different states can keep their customs and laws, without conflict. Democratic nations rarely attack eachother so IMO the EU is very redunant and isn't needed.

  3. I don't bother with any papers any more, catch up with the news online and on TV from several sources and average them out to get an approximation of the truth and even then I don't believe half of it.

    I'm mostly online, wont pay for a paper/onling article to pay what to think and won't pay for a TV licence to be told lies about how wonderful the EU is.


    I've formed my right wing, anti EU views by getting to the raw source and adding 1 and 1, not by reading the express or the mail ;)

  4. I was entitled to take physical delivery however I had to pay the applicable VAT rate, If I didn't pay the VAT then I wasn't entitled to take the physical delivery, dispite it being my property, replace duty with a SGC and it's a similar sort of thing.


    I guess it boils down to wheather posession in the act means posessing a S2 firearm with no authority or not supervised by withbody with authority, or the former including the arrangement between us 2. I believed posession is meant to keep a shotgun, as opposed to simply lending it.


    After the replies on here I might send an anomynous email to a firearms dept. somewhere in the country and/or get professional advice. If they all say we've broke the law then we'll simply terminate with agreement by selling the gun or the guy getting a SGC, and I'll hold my hands up and we're all wiser on here. However the spirit of the act was to prevent bank jobs rather than this example.

  5. Many thanks for the replies (I was suprised there's this many). Maybe I should rephrase "his property" with "He gave me £200, I aquired that particular S2 firearm for the same price, he borrows said firearm in the presence of the owner (me), when the borrower says "you ought to sell that gun for x ammount" I sell my gun for x ammount and give the borrower x ammount". At no time does the borrower have access to my cabinet, knows where my keys are, etc, etc, etc.


    The only suitable analagy I can think off is when I used to trade precious metals. To buy gold bullion was VAT free, however silver attracted the VAT rate. I could either physically buy the stuff, and pay VAT, or physically buy the stuff through a website/agent and the silver was kept in a vault in London (not EFTs, or shares, etc) while the physical silver was the property of mine, it diddn't attract VAT as it was in somebody elses posession. To take the silver out I had to pay VAT. Now I know VAT and firearm laws are worlds apart, however I'm sure it will say in VAT laws that if I purchased and aquired a product (silver) than I had to pay VAT. Likewise if my mate wanted to take "his" gun out of my posession, then he has to get a SGC.


    While I encourage him to get a SGC if he's happy with this arrangement then I don't mind helping him out.

  6. I think you should be very careful what you post on an open forum

    We're not doing anything wrong are we? :blush: As far as I know while it is his gun as he paid for it it's in my custody, which is all above board :)


    He only wants to shoot clays and the ground we go to does have a section 11(6). Ofcourse he can't go to the strawbale type places.


    We've been mithering him to get his own SGC however I guess he doesn't want to bother with all that business which that entails, he just seemed happy to borrow my gun until he realised that a left cast gun was much better as he's left handed, now he's got his own gun ableit on my licence which he's going to change into a left handed cast, and he's still happy with the current arrangement.

  7. Hello,

    A work colleague has brought himself a nice Baikal, although officially it's mine as it's on my licence as he hasn't got one, in reality it's his property.


    The plan is ofcourse that he goes shooting with me and all is well, it's like himself having his own gun, apart from he has to be with me, I'm responsible for his gun, and he can't take it home at night. However my question is will I beable to loan the gun to another work colleague who has a licence under the 72 hour rule, and the non licence holder can still go shooting with the said work colleague, under his licence, without the grace of my presence?


    Many thanks,



  8. These proposals came from ACPO, they feel that £50 for grant of a SGC doesn't reflect the full cost of processing the application, and the service is effectively subsedised by the public, however the reason why the fees are subsedised by the public is because apparantly firearm registration benefits the public as a whole.

  9. They've had my vote for a while, outside of the United States of Europe we can still trade with the EU, the thought of BMW bining off their British market simply because we diddn't want to part of a political union is laughable. Hong Kong has a seat at the WTO but Britain doesn't? What's all that about?


    The ol' "they're a bunch of wacists" is laughable, the current immigration system is more racist as we have to keep the boarders open for certain nationalities who happened to be in the USE, while keeping controls to the rest of the world (including commonwealth countries such as India and Pakistan), who have more similarities with Britain, than, say Romania.


    There's a lot of vested interests in keeping us in the sinking ship, for example Chris Pattern, who's head of the BBC trust,gets a £100,000/yr EU pension, and one of these stipulations is that he musn't do anythign detremental to the "European Project", which is one of the reasons why the BBC is rather biased in this area.


    Before the European Communities act was passed, the FCO published a document known as FCO 30/1048, whihc was confidential at the time, examining the implications of Britain's soverignty and indepencence while being members of the EEC (or the common market as the propaganda said) and part of the document stated:-


    After entry there would be a major responsibility on HMG and on all political parties not to exacerbate public concern by attributing unpopular measures or unfavourable economic developments to the remote and unmanageable workings of the Community.


    Says it all really :rolleyes:

  10. What gun reform do he propose? A complete ban? being refused a SGC/FAC as you've had a speeding conviction? I agree with JohnathanL about a national agency for firearms licensing. A national agency will apply the law in a uniform way, and have uniform lead times. IMO it's rediculous that if you live in Manchester you only need to wait 10 days for a SGC but if you lived in Hampshire then you have to wait 6 months for the same thing, it is well and truly a postcode lottery to what service you get!


    If you feel the BBC coverage was biased, please make a formal complaint to the BBC. This can be done by calling 03700 100 222 or online at www.bbc.co.uk/complaints




    IMO the BBC is biased, instead of complaining which will get filed in B.I.N, I simply never paid for the TV licence. Vote with your money.

  11. I like mine, come in between 8 and 9, whenever I feel like, set fire to some material, work in a lab on my own so no office politics, dinner time I can take 30 minutes, or 2 hours off. Set fire to more things in the afternoon, go home at 4:30, or 5, or whenever I feel like, they don't care if you're late, as long as you do your 39 hours.


    Considering alot of jobs just involves sitting in an office all day infront of a computer with the boss looking over your shoulder all the time, and being disiplined for being 5 minutes late, I consider myself quite lucky. B)

  12. What a silly post. 'thoroughly poisonous hate filled rag', I am amazed at the amount of soppy lefties on this site. Hate isnt what the thread is about, it's about a once serious paper dumbing down. I think you are mixing the daily mail up with the morning star.


    Nah the morning star would be advertising Che T-shirts for a limited offer price of £19.99 each :ninja:

  13. I like the idea because it annoys me to see people who aren't working in houses that are bigger than mine. I'm sure it will save us some money somehow so I'm all up for it.


    Oh and for the fella who was on the radio the other day having a grumble because his kid stays over at weekends and he'll lose money because of the room the kid needs, when I was little and my parents split up my dad only had one bedroom. I had his bed and he slept on the floor. There you go - the honest working man's answer to the problem. We can't always have it all - unless we're on benefits it seems?!




    And it isn't a tax, how can you tax free money from the state? :lol: :lol:

  14. All this talk of ham radio made me think about this time I tried a QRO (I think it's QRO, rusty with my Q signs) with NA1SS (International Space Station) on Boxng Day 2005.




    It's heavily edited (was about 10 minutes in total) and eddited out my callsign when I tried to contact them, however there was 1001 all over Europe trying to contact them and as you can hear he went with a German fellow, I was a 2E at the time however the highest legal setting my radio could do was 25 watts, and goign into a slim jim in the loft I diddn't have much chance.


    Listen to the high piched noice at the start and the end, I guess that's the doplar shift?

  15. Before the EU's postal services directive you had a good state owned monopoly where the profitable areas (parcels going a couple of miles or so) subsidised the loss making areas (parcel from Cornwall to shetland is) after the directive private postal companies cherrypicked the profitable areas leaving royal mail with the loss areas. Hence the reason why service standards have gone down, royal mail loosing millions a year, and prices skyrocketing.

  16. There's alot of websites which do this. Very legal they're just acting as the agent. There's alot of adverts on facebook about claiming a reduction in tax/ tax rebate for washing your own uniform which sounds great but they charge you a fee and take a percentage off the rebate. What they fail to mention is that you can do this for free by simply writing a letter to the tax office, and when you want to renew the reduction a phonecall.

  17. A few years ago I was an M3, then a 2E0, my main haunts were local chat on 2m, and BPSK31 on 40 and 20m.


    I remember everybody at the radio club were insisting on buying expensive interfaces for digimodes as apparantly it could damage your computer and I (on paper round money) just directly plugged 2 mono leads (one for transmitting, one for recieving) from my radio to the sound card and simply pressed the PTT button when I wanted to transmit the psk signal.


    All the G3's were scratching their heads wondering how it diddnt blow my set up :lol: :lol:

  18. Check out the reduced section I've got my timings down to a t (breads get reduced to 5p/10p 8:30pm on Mondays, meats about 1/6 of original price at 7:30pm on Thursday) the vast majority of my foods have a yellow sticker on I'm having a fish tonight reduced from £1.61 to 11p tonight, I've got a whole organic chicken in the freezer from £5 odd to about £1, regularly get beef heart for about 20p. Haven't paid full price for bakery products for about a year now. However it's all about luck but I pay about £5 a week for food. :yes:

  19. If you do break it down further than this diagram, you will see that spending on research into environment is the same, if not more, than that spent on the environment itself!!


    it's to pay all the climate "scientists" to preach the church of climatology's doctrine and mike's [hide the cooling trend] salary at the CRU :lol: :lol:

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