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  1. uncle albert : I haven't understand sorry
  2. what is your job ? I want shooting pigeon, in England or Irland in september. I look for a guide. I have probably find a guide for 130 € for one day. Can you indicate me a guide ?
  3. welshlamb, you take the tunnel (folkestone - calais ) when you work in france ?
  4. WelshLamb, Hi , i'm fine and you ? where do you going in france ? I live in Cherbourg (NW) You speak good french ! where do you live ?
  5. hello, I want shooting pigeon, in England or Irland in september. I look for a guide. I have probably find a guide for 130 € for one day. Can you indicate me a guide ? The autorisation is complicate for shooting in the uk ? Thanks
  6. hello, I am Cédric. I often hunt the woodcook in france, and I like shooting pigeons but there is not a lot. I have four dogs. I like clay shooting. I dont speak not very english, I hope so you understand me. see you soon
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