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Posts posted by rascal72

  1. Going again on Saturday as the weather looks right again any more of these antics and I'll be off the foreshore this week to put a stop to it I know the farmer wont be very happy as he has already told our party we can shoot his land as long as what we shoot is in season I had to sit and watch some 200 plus pinks come in and land on the very same field last season just 2 days after inland season ended but that's how it goes

  2. That was the reason for my 6 hours round trip to the solway to not get a shot because of these people, I could have quite easily set up on the fence line sheltered from the weather by the gorse bushes where they set up, to say I wasnt happy is an understatement

  3. Would have had a great flight but for three more people turning up and setting up in the farmers field not foreshore after being told where I was they still decided to stand directly in front of me and also spoiled the flight for the other 3 lads I was with by shooting at the geese too far out and to top it off they picked two geese shot by our party before leaving in a hurry other than that would have been a good flight not many geese but we would have been under them back again for morning and evening flights on weds and sat depending on weather

  4. Nipped out to one of my permissions today with the dog and starting pistol to do some training and before getting the dog out of the car I got the shotgun out and bagged a pigeon on the edge of a small flock flighting over after that ive never seen as many pigeons on this permission but they were just flitting from wood to wood with every shot of the starting pistol, all that said only got 2 shots with one bird but some good work achieved with the dog

  5. Never shot it kent just got details to obtain day tickets with a view to joining next year only started wildfowling last season and have only shot foreshore on solway so am looking for other places to alternate and learn more atb r72

  6. Been trying to contact grange wildfowlers to obtain a day ticket or two before the end of the season with a view to joining for next season, I shoot with a couple of members but they only have one contact who hasnt returned any calls, texts or emails so far any help in obtaining day tickets or contacts to do so would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance r72

  7. Had two pinks and a mallard for 4 shots on friday although I prefere being out on the marsh this is a permission we dropped on only a few weeks ago and we can see when the birds lift off the from the marsh looking forward to some more productive days and hopefully some birds for less fortunate tables

  8. by the sounds of things licenses vary depending on the situation the only one I know of stipulated that only 3 birds could be shot with only one bird in any calender month, birds must be settled on the water and not in flight whether landing or taking flight from the water and can only be shot using a shotgun

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