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Posts posted by Drongo

  1. As a first aid trainer, I can say what other have that off the shelf kits are rubbish...


    Better getting yourself some kinda container, then clearly mark it as a first aid kit. The tab lock lunch boxes are great.


    Stuff to put inside it...


    Non-adherent dressings (menolin type dressings)

    Wound dressings, (small, medium, large)

    Compression bandages (small, medium, large)

    Moist wipes (only good for small grazes, large cuts much better cleaned with soap and water)

    Triangular bandage

    Assorted plasters

    Descent pair of scissors




    With that you can fixe most things, don't be worrying about fancy kit that you don't know how to use...


    Infection won't kill you straight way, but bleeding out from a large wound will. So get the bleeding stopped, keeping it as clean as possible obviously, then get it checked out and watch it for signs of infection.




    C - Clean & Check Wound (looking for foreign bodies, etc)

    A - Apply direct pressure with a clean absorbent dressing

    R - Raise limb above level of heart

    E - Ensure Hygiene.

  2. Well, I got a reply....


    Basically said hard luck, iPad editions are no longer free of charge (despite advertising on their website stating otherwise) and if I wish for the print and digital then I will have to take out an additional subscription.


    I said I wasn't prepared to do this and as they had incorrectly advertised something to entice me to enter a contract, that they are no longer willing to fulfil, I would like to cancel my subscription and receive a full refund.

  3. Personally I think that it's living that what kills you...


    So live as long as you can, don't worry about what will kill you and do it with a smile on your face to make it easier for you and everyone about you...

  4. So...


    Normally I'd buy the Sporting Gun magazine ever so often then pass it to my Dad after I'd spent the 15-20 mins reading in between the adverts...


    Then I seen that you could subscribe as a print subscriber and get the iPad version free of charge...


    Great thinks I... Paper version for dad, digital one for me... :o)


    Then I try subscribe to the iPad version, but it won't let me....??


    So I contact IPC media, ask them about it, and am told that I'm not eligible for iPad as I have a print only subscription and would need to take out an iPad subscription also...??


    So I looks on their website and find this link...




    Which says down below the pics...


    "Print subscribers are only entitled to the iPad edition, at no extra cost. No other mobile platforms are included in the print subscription."


    Looks pretty clear that I can get the iPad edition, yea...?


    I wonder what's going on...?


    I'm certainly not paying for two subscriptions...


    Emailed them back again, said sort it or cancel subscription...


    Be aware in case it catches you out too...

  5. Well I set one trap last night, then several times again today and ended up with 4 in the trap and another one dispatched by a high velocity ballistic tipped slipper.


    Couple more traps down tonight, along with a bit of poison for a two pronged attack...


    Think they are coming in the outlet pipe for the washing machine, so that's now well blocked off...


    Tomorrow I tidy the garage and try to see if they are nesting anywhere...

  6. Has anyone ever used them....?


    Are they worth the money...?


    Or am I better just sticking to old fashioned traps with a combination of chocolate and peanut butter...?


    4 trapped so far in the garage and a hole in my waterproof bag and caving suit...

  7. I picked a pheasant of a ladies lap after it went through the screen of her Fiat Multipla (the stupid looking thing with the high lights)


    She couldn't have been going more than 50-60 at time of impact, the pheasant came out of the hedge...


    Surprised it went though, but not a as surprised as the lady with the mouth full of feathers...

  8. The tightness/friction of the camo weave stops you pulling the brown cords through...


    I've also since dunked it in boiling water to shrink the knots and further tighten it...


    Length, well the rings are ended up about 2-3 inches below by hip, just long enough to tuck them into your pocket... Make them longer than you think you need, easier to cut them than to realise you've started them too short...


    The little round button knot is tight but moves up and down to adjust for depending on clothing...

  9. After reading threads on here and other places, I thought I'd have a go at making my own game carrier for rabbits...


    All the ones I've seen look like they are just a strap, slung over your shoulder... I wanted one that you could make a loop, adjustable for the size of clothing and also to help keep it on your shoulder....


    This is what I came up with...


    If I was do it again, which i will, I'd use welded rings instead of split ones (it was all I had in the house) and I may get a bit more creative with my colours. I also may do a double width weave to spread the load more.









  10. Anyone got one...?


    One that sends pictures to your mobile/email...?


    Are they any good...?


    Thinking of it for a wildlife project in school, to put on roof where ducks have been nesting the last two years...


    Don't want to be going up to retrieve camera too often for images, which is why I thought one that auto sends them may be better...


    Problem tho' if pointing at nest site, then I'm going to get loads of photos and run out my mobile credit on the SIM card...


    Anyone used one anyway, which ones are good ones....?

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