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Posts posted by markfromholland

  1. I wrote in another topic that Brussels is launching a plan to

    fine a coutry £200.000 per refused refugee.

    i do not know how realistic this idea is, but when there is smoke........


    Germany made a calculation that current refugee problems wil cost the country

    the next few years approx 95 billion euros


    By the way, Belgium plans on having non belgium licenceplate holders to pay

    roadtax, just like trucks.


    We in holland have not such a thing, everybody with a foreign licenceplate can use

    our roads for free .....


    sooooo, EU......

  2. In Holland, that is where we live, we were promised "golden mountains" by joining the EU.

    ( we did not have a choice, it was shoved down our throut )


    Look at us now, at this moment we have the highest number of elderly who

    can hardly save a few quid at the end of the month.

    Oh yeahhhh, the idea of being able to work everywhere in the EU..........

    result: polish people take ovdr the work from our people..........

    Why? Because they can charge less, as their standard costs are lower, the do not

    pay road tax here as we all have to do ?


    Let us not start about opening the borders and the result we have now .........

    immigrant wise

  3. Hi

    the dutchy again,

    the immigration (adapting) of people from noth africa has

    failed in a terrible way.


    we never had issues with people from scandinavia, the far east,


    in youth/ prisons 80 prct of the inmates have north african roots.

  4. It is not that hard ....


    We dutch have some experience being in the Eu.


    All it brought is trouble, people stating that you will benefit

    from becoming Eu member, are, or ignorant, or are politcally engaged,

    or are going to make tons of money, or, all together

  5. I just read that our prime minister has been caught lying.


    he claimed that only approx 50.000 refugees are to arrive in holland this year,

    it appears to be more than 95.000 !


    pfooo, just a minor counting error.


    Our minister dijsselbloem nust stated that costs for this will set our

    country back 1.5 billion euro's.


    We all know it is gonna exceed 3 billion in reality

  6. Bumped into a Dutch neighbour. She was also talking about the referendum and was jealous that her country hadn't been given the opportunity to vote on leaving the EU. She is sick of what it is doing to her country.


    I am dutch too, and we were not asked, no referendum, we just had to deal with it.

    At that time we also heard all the experts claiming that joining would be the best for us

    in holland.........


    we have had nothing but trouble, possibility to work where where you want in the eu, hahaha.


    at that time we saw an television commercial where a dutch nurse asked in the camera:

    " so i can work where ever i want in europe with my education?" and the voice from our

    government replied: yes ! you can !


    end of the story is that we 1000's of people working in health were laid of as the hospitals

    hired cheap personel from countries of eastern europe.

  7. Excuse me, i got a bit carried away in my previous post.


    The point i wanted to make is that we were also threatend by our

    government that staying out of the EU would be extremely bad for

    our country and that jobs were to be lost etc etc etc.


    Result :


    elderly in retirement homes left alone, waiting till evening to get washed

    after soiling themselves, because our government cuts in jobs for helping

    the elderly.


    health insurance and dental care is free for the refugees, we pay approx 100 quid

    minimum per person each month


    retirement age lifted from 65 yrs to 67 yrs, plams are to stretch to 70 yrs.


    our prime minister shouting on friday: " no more money to greece " , on monday

    We pay another 650 million euros.


    that is why ultra right wing is the largest political party in the polls at this moment.

    all the others scream that this right wing party is the wrong one to elect and that

    people choosing this side are stupid.


    Well, our political leaders are so full of themselves that they totally ignore what is

    going on in the streets, where you and i live.

    Instead of scratching their heads WHY right wing is getting the overhand, they just

    go to bed and dream about a job in Brussels


    these are just a few examples

  8. Holland EU member, our fantastic prime minister mark rutte, omg.


    Yesterday in the news: 2 other big stores will shut their doors, another company

    that hires people to support the elderly, 2.500 people will lose their jobs.


    If we could only turn back time, to where we had the guilder, germany the deutsch mark, france

    the franc and greece their draghme.


    Life was so easy, we run a small import and export company, specialized in heavy duty rollers,

    it did not matter to us if we had to deal with different currencies, no sir.


    At that time spain and portugal were doing just fine, just like greece.


    I hope to turn 50 years old in july, but boy, if only i could turn back time.


    If i drive around in a big city like rotterdam at midday, all i see is people from a very different

    culture doing nothing but hanging around whole day, this number of immigrants increases by the day,

    and people working and paying for these people

    are getting less and less in number.

  9. We in Holland were promised golden mountains !

    Oh, Greece becoming member would be a great benefit to all EU



    We have more families going to the voedselbank ( free food supply ) than



    More and more people not being able to pay health insurance, one of our biggest warehouses V&D

    closed their doors last week etc etc.


    Our EU membership was shoved in our thoats, by our political leaders, we did not

    have a chance to choose in or out



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    Maybe a little injection of facts will help you. Here...



    Dear Sir,


    The link you posted refers to what happend in Cologne on december 31, 2015, i was refering to the rape of a female

    worker in a Belgium refugee camp last friday. The 19 yr old woman was raped by a 16 yr old afgan young man.


    As i live in holland, pretty close to germany, i follow the news closely.

    The 3 state operated tv channels, like ard, wdr and so on, were told to post only positive news about

    refugees. The people in charge claimed they have to follow the political direction of the government.



  11. Please , vote out.

    Another incident in belgium about a young woman in an

    compound where so called refugees await there approval for


    she did not want to wear a scarf but a few men insisted that

    she did. More than 100 people started fighting.


    We in europe have lost all of our traditions and safety, for your

    sake and your children: keep your borders and stay away from

    the evil politicians that are ruining our countries.

  12. I am Dutch and live across the channel in holland.


    If one is smart, vote out !

    we are being lied to every day about how wonderful the import

    of asylum seekers is, wow, our mixed culture country.


    Well, rape by these people happens every day! The only thing

    our president Rutte worries about, is to keep this negative news

    out of the publicity.


    We have a large group of people for the third generation of import

    workers, well we can say that integration of this culture was a big failure.


    Nowadays some people say that it is better for women to be wise and

    and stay indoor at night and dress properly as an refugee might be offended !


    It is the world upside down here.


    Apart from the problems Greece brings to us and other poor countries.


    Please be sensible and vote out, i only wish we would have had a chance

    for a referendum.


    I expect political change next year when we can vote for a new government.

  13. Hi Mark, sorry I'm hijacking this for my own ends


    I'm still weighing up the 19 or 38 as I want max FOV but can't get my head around how badly the ID drops off with the wider lens - can you give us some of your thoughts?

    The shop that i bought it advised me the 19 for my needs, hogs, roe, fox in forrest and meadow.

    I can spot a fox on 200 meters and that is a distance i can shoot in the dark.

    For my needs price/quality is fine.

    I was not ready to pay the extra for the 38, but...... if you have the money, go for the 38,

    as it is more sensitive and what i can see is a bit clearer.



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