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Posts posted by affinity121

  1. Firstly what sort of shooting do you mainly do ? Driven, rough (with water both river and slow bodies of water)

    What are you mainly going to want the dog to do ? Everything really. Be okay on a peg, hunt when rough shooting and do a few retrieves through water every now and again.

    How experienced with dogs are you ? Had my fair share of labs and been round dogs my whole life. Know a few trainers and field trialers so advice can be found if required.


    I have had both but they are different horses for different courses.

  2. I been using the Black Gold Dark Storm 32gm #5 all season and I think they are a fantastic cartridge...and definitely have that extra knock down power for them high pheasants and partridge...they do give off a bit of a crack but I wear ear defenders so I don't hear it.

    Do you prefer them to the normal black golds ?

  3. Bought a Browning Maxus used Clear Pigeon when I first had it, but it jammed up loads. Discovered it was designed to use 70mm carts so bought a slab of SIPE 32g 6's much better but not perfect by a long way. Use the gun for pigeon crow and rabbit. Can any one recommend a cart that cycles well with the Maxus as well as being a good all round cart.

    Clear pigeons are now 70 mm


    Sipes are 67 mm (at least the fibre versions are )

  4. Hi i have the new Browning A5 and use half choke all the time,a friend of mine recently bought a new Maxus ,on doing patten test on both guns found maxus standard choke very poor.

    However they supplied a special duck choke, fantastic patten. Not interchangeable with A5 !!! Hope this helps.

    Is that the black extended choke you are on about ? I've just bought a maxus and haven't patterned it yet that's all.

  5. Cheers for the Feedback guys!


    Welshwarrior - Glad about the rain comment. The main reason for me getting this is for those miserable days, but wasn't sure if it would hold up in really wet weather. If your friends use them pretty much every day i assume they are up to the job.


    Personally I don't like huge heavy tweed jackets to shoot in. They look great don't get me wrong but I feel they somewhat restrict movement and also after a while they become so heavy once the water has soaked in. I much prefer to wear a light jacket with fleece and jumper layers underneath even on very cold days.


    I was going to purchase a berghaus cornice III and then put a waistcoat over the top produce usable cartridge pockets but this jacket eliminates the need for that. My main concern with it being lightweight is that is may not like getting loaded up with cartridges and produce too much stress on the stitching but i have faith that they have foreseen this and it wont be an issue.


    As KES said some jackets can easily tear on sharp pointy objects (barbed wire / branches) so I think I may need to stick to something heavier when beating as it looks slightly vulnerable to this sort of abuse.

  6. I thought the Dark Storm were the carts with wool wads but not so looking the above link as Black Gold also come with a wool was version.


    Must be the new super dooper game cart, more marketing hype. Same shot size and loads as others in the range. What gives?



    The BG wool wads in 38 40g were available last sseason. Like you said just a marketing hype to refresh the range with the addition of wool wad in a sensible load (32g).


    I think I will just stick to the fibre versions and have money for an extra pint at the pub. :) either that or rc sipes which are considerably cheaper and I rate just as highly.

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