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Posts posted by Martin&Oakley

  1. Cyborgs, mechs and futuristic UAV's......where's my god damn hand held railgun!


    To not follow atleast 5% of an original films story line and have the neck to call it the same is just not on.

    However, it looks ok. I will wait til LoveFilm release it.

  2. My GSP is nearly a year old and I can only manage 10 mins training 2 to 3 times a day, after 10 mins he wants to do his own thing.

    I'm working on straight line retrieves about 30 yards out, which he is ok at. If I throw a curve ball and throw the dummie in the long grass about the same distance, he'll be on it like a tramp on chips.


    Take you time, some things will just come naturally to our dog.

  3. Massive brownie points for the wife as she got the ball rolling on this perm.


    Not sure of the acreage, but its bigger then my first. Also it's only 15 mins from my house instead of 45 mins to the other one.

    It's all wheat/barley. From what the farmer says the birds normally feed about 5-6am and 5-6pm.


    Only downside seems to be the public footpath that runs down the middle.


    Managed to drop a bird but it landed in the middle of the crop. I really need to work on the dogs retrieving.

  4. Please don't see this a brag.

    I read all the guides on getting your dog used to the bangs. Seemed a little dragged out, so I just took my boy to a clay ground and sat in the car for 10 mins. I then went for a walk and slowly got closer to the stands.


    I then took him to my permission and let him loose, mainly fired about 10 yards away but on a few shots he was next to me. He doesn't seem to mind, however I am yet to sit him in the hide. Mainly because he's a loon and needs to be doing something.


    Just my input, I am by no means a pro.

  5. So I've just found out LoveFilm are stopping their game service as of the 8th August!


    Looks like blockbuster are going to be getting my money then. Sad times.

    Did anyone else know about this?

  6. I was going to make a post about 'personal limits' but here should do as its along the same lines.

    Do people have a specific limit they will stop at in a day.

    If i was to shoot 100 pigeons in a day I wouldn't have a clue what to do with them all and if no one will take them then where do I stand morally with the high and mighty posters of this fine forum?


    Also where would you stand when it comes to the blacks, surely they just get dumped?

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