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Posts posted by gorin

  1. I was nearly wiped out by a bird as well, I set a hide up under some conifers and the back of one of the grain sheds and whilst sat there I noticed a load of grain had spilt through a gap in the wall and it was covered in bird ****. Then next thing a woodie came down the tree line and turned straight into the hide, I actually fell of my stool when I jumped lol and I missed the ****** when it flew back out

  2. I live just near stokesley and I had a ride round today and seen a few birds in flight but all going into the woods. I set up a few decoys on the farm on some rape and managed to get a couple but it was only the odd bird coming to have a look. When I packed up I noticed at the bottom of the field there was about 100 birds feeding on the rape, hopefully they are starting to group up.


    One thing I did notice whilst driving round all the fields was that any rape that was well a stablished to about 6 inch high didnt have a bird on it. But the one field that was struggling was the one with the birds on.

  3. I have Seen the same thing. Just a few birds together and not a lot fly.ing around at

    All I sat for half hour watching a rape field and didn't see a single pigeon which I suppose is good for the farmer. I did see 12 hares though when taking a walk all in the rape edges

  4. We decided to set up were we did cause there was a few in the field behind a tree line with the wind behind us and there was the odd one flying over, it was the best chance we seen, I must add I am only a new gun the the decoying lark but enjoying it birds or no birds

  5. well as me and my pal both had sunday off we decided to have a day on the fields to get a few woodys and keep them off the crops. so off we went to one of my perms were there is around 300 acres of land quite spread out. we spent the first hour or so having a drive round the various areas to see where they were feeding or flying but guess what NONE :sad1: . so after a little more obsevation we dicided on our spot and set up with hide, decoys and magnet. after about two hours and not a single shot fired we decided on a move, then at the end of a very frustrating day with onle seven shots fired between us and several more moves we gave up. There was very little flying around and what we did see were feeding on grass amounts live stock but by no means in great numbers.


    i think a little more education is needed on sussing these flight lines but there is only so much coffee a man can drink lol anyway enjoyed being out in the open and getting some fresh air its all part off the sport,


    i hope you lads had some more productive days


    but i soppose it was a good day for the farmer as they wernt on the crops :good:

  6. thanks for the replys, she is a pritty obedient dog and always comes straight back as soon as i call but my worry is she is not a very playfull dog when it comes to throwing and fetching but maybe thats cause the older dog always gets it first she maybe different out on her own i wonder i will have to get a dummy and try her, do you use any kind of scent on the dummys to get her used to the smell of the pigeons ?

  7. Hi people, I Have a query in anyone can help, I have to springers, one being 10 and the other 4. Over the last few years I have go very much into shooting and love the sport. What I was wondering is are my dogs to old to train to retrieve birds, any hints and tips would be greatly appreciated


    Many thanks in advance

  8. Hi people I am a novice with the pigeon shooting and with shot guns but I have shot air rifles for some years now on permitted land only. I am just wondering if there is any lads in the Teesside area who would be willing to let me tag along one day so I could learn a thing or two about decoying and hide position. I am not bothered about taking the gun I would be happy to just watch and learn.


    Alternatively I do have permission on land with pigeon problems on the crops so we could always go to me permission if preferred. The perm is located in the stokesly area.


    I have very little decoying gear as I'm only new and am currently trying to build a collection


    Thank you for taking the time to read this and any help is greatly appreciated



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