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mick morton

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Posts posted by mick morton

  1. Since the beginning of September my friends and I have had a number of great shooting days. Various fields such as pea stubble, beans, and wheat stubble. Enjoyed the company of a new shooter Simon. The weather - good sunny days, wet and windy days. We have found that this month has been particularly good with over 1000 birds in the bag, however we have had to change the decoy pattern around and the rota to ensure the pigeons are coming into the pattern.


    Big hello to one of our small group members who has just joined the forum Gareth!!


    Cheers everyone enjoy your shooting.


  2. Hi have had some good days out on beans,few things that may help , as always keep your eye on the field the day or so after it has been sown,the beans are very hard at the point of planting a day or so in the ground softens them up, a bit of rain helps a lot all so depends how deep they have been planted , the same applies at harvest time the beans are hard so the ones that are left on the ground may not be taken by pigeons as at that time of the year there are a lot of other food about for them, but its always its worth a look ,if there are some trees close to the field where they can rest after feeding that helps cheers :good:

  3. speaking to some farmers around here lots are telling me that they are thinking about not growing OSR as a lot of the chemicals sprays they would have used have been band,also the way the payments of subsidies are made,this year a lot of peas are going to be grown that will push the prices down.so its looking likely that spring & winter barley may be on the cards cheers

  4. we all have days like that,if its cold and snow on the ground to get pigeons to come in to a pattern is hard work, at the moment the birds in the area,s i shoot are generally sat up in the trees and only pop down for a quick feed, then back to the trees ,you will get lucky one day cheers

  5. Been out and about a lot over the last few weeks see the numbers rising, most of which are sitting up in the trees and those that are on the fields are just sitting there not moving much,i no from past experience one shot and they will be off and not to return. the cover crops are going to be cut down this week so fingers crossed then it will be case farmers ringing asking for some help, hopefully will be ring some friends to come along to, so get your kit ready lads

  6. we all try different patterns with mixed results ,if the way you have set your decoys out and it hasn,t work pop out of your hide and move them around a bit no harm in trying , i do this all the time, shooting under a flghtline i have found the more movement ie pigeon rotors going on a higher speed has helped, and putting the decoys out in a block ,

  7. thanks JDog the only difference from last weekend is that it was a lot warmer ,we have looked over all types of crops new drilling etc, didn,t seem to be much wild life about of any type, just the the odd kyte and buzzard ,so will have to keep our eyes open and i am shore the farmers will be on the phone if the pigeons return.

  8. where are the pigeons hiding today?

    been driving and sitting and looking for 6 hours over many acres from stamford to huntingdon across the fens and back to

    peterborough area. what are the pigeons thinking today? lets just sit the day out in the woods and watch the pigeon shooters go bye...lol

    hope you all had better luck than us. have you seen any pigeons today?


  9. After my weekend experience with steel I contacted leading cartridge manufacturers and asked a few questions. All of them replied lead out performs steel . Also I note on the forum that people have said that there are steel shot cartridges with a felt wad available this is incorrect.

    There is one company that I've spoken to that have been looking into and developing paper/cardboard wad, but there has been reports that say these can fail on occasions.

    Also an interesting point the speed and volocity of shotgun shells are governed by legislation that restricts their speed. 65mm has no restrictions, but 70mm 76mm etc has.

    Also noted that people have been talking about chokes on guns, the majority of cartridge manufacturers strongly advise you do not go any tighter that 0.5 or half choke. This can result in damage to your barrels.

    For more information on this go the magazine website "Shooting UK" and you can read up on this for yourselves. Having read this, it confirms that damage to guns has increased since steel cartridges are used.

    Those that bang on about wild fowling and taking high shots, been there, done it, yes it works. Pigeons are half the size of ducks and a lot smaller than a goose so hitting them you have a smaller target flying faster, therefore harder to hit with steel.

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