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Posts posted by Pinkella

  1. The chinese are getting greedy, they want 100% upfront now, but if we put our foot down we should be able to get more credit terms from them, more and more countries are starting to compete. Pakistan promise you the world and give you Coventry. Im not so sure about Europe right now.

  2. Thanks figgy :)


    I know guys I have cut my spending right back for the last year and a half and my old man has been an absolute rock, hes a sheet metal worker and is very much in demand, thanks goodness, so worrying about the home hasnt been so much of an issue. I just want things to go back to how they were, but I suppose that wont happen.

  3. My mum had tinitus from an early of her childhood and always thought it was normal, until oneday I was so frustrated I begged her to get her hearing tested as it was driving me round the bend!


    Due to having tinitus it has impaired her hearing somewhat, she has had hearing aids in for over 8 years now and no problems at all, having longer cascading hair she can hide them as well. Look after them and you should be ok.

  4. People still seem so price sensitive, are you hard up or just being careful with your hard earned money?


    In my 19 years of being in business this is undoubtedly the worst I have known! :|


    Does anyone have anything positive to say?

  5. Why is ok for someone to inflict pain on another prson just because they intentionally inflicted pain on a living creature? who has that right in all honesty? What makes it right to punish him physically? Dont you think its too good for him?


    Look at the cost of police time and the cost of the courts etc, surely he should be made to pay back to our community in some way and be littled in the process? Mental is far more effective than physical and more likely to to have a positive long term effect? Rather than draining our society of him then going to hospital because hes been beaton up ?!

  6. Sadly, cruelty seems all the rage! I had tears in my eyes last night, having read about a young boy who starved to death. They found his body mumified in his bed :no: He was so badly starved he was still small.enough to fit in baby clothing. His mum said she tried to revive him but 10 minute's later ordered a pizza and left his body in the bed.


    There is a pic of the child "alive" bit looking so so sad.


    I wish I had never have seen it,.as it's really playing on my mind :(

    I cant read the full story Lord Geordie, way too sad :|

  7. Im old today, I found a line by my eye, the wrinkles are starting!!!!! , one of my warehouse guys is only 20 and a customer thought he was my son, so fan ******* tastic!!!!!!

    Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh if I dont laugh i will cry :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

  8. Ive got a great carrier, I rarely use Royal Mail as they take ages to track stuff if its lost and that dose not work well with Ebay for me. Im usually on a next day for most things. Ebay made me like that lol


    Nor do most of them actually have the stock they are listing but thats not an eBay exclusive thing these days. Our biggest competitor is a single parent working from her back bedroom with about £10 total stock holding. Her website makes her out to be a much larger operation. 3 members of her sales team listed on the website are infact her kids 9, 6 and 2 years old.

    I think I met one of those when I was looking for a dog, a nice big house, kids running everywhere and puppies all over the place. I left very quickly when she announced she had to post some ebay stuff she had sold quickly as her benefits were late! :mad: and wanted £300 for each of her 5 staffies

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