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Edward Imp

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Posts posted by Edward Imp

  1. Its an amazing piece of work, and great , quick shooting too.


    Some of the ranges looked incredibly long, I am impressed!


    Would you mind telling me which piece of equipment you recomend to carry out the filming via the scope at night? Are you using infrared lighting? Sorry for the slightly daft questions, but its something I might like to try myself. I have been using a .17 on rabbits and it would be good to re-live the moments!


    Many Thanks.

  2. Thanks for reading this post.


    I currently have a permission near Manchester, but its very quiet from September until June.


    I mainly shoot pigeon as i normally a shotgun user but I am also happy to control rabbitts foxes corvids etc, as appropriate with a fully moderated 17.


    I am very mobile so I can consider places within about 70-80 miles of Manchester, and if the oportunity is good, I will go even further!


    I will be happy to discuss an anual fee, paid up front in cash for the right land, renewable every year. You will have to prove that you have the right to grant a permission.


    I do not use a dog, I have over 40 years of shooting experience, I am fully insured, resposnible, tidy, and considerate.


    I am particularly interested in oportunities over oil seed rape and peas.


    The size of the land is less relevant than its potential!


    Please feel free to PM me so we can doiscuss- alternatively you can call me on 07415 120079


    Kind Regards :)

  3. Really interesting, i had no idea they lived so long!


    The way I shoot many of cheshires pigeons remember the moon landings......


    A quick question- If, (and of course i have never done this myself), you were unlucky enough to shoot an apparently feral bird which turned out to be a racer, would you report it, or quietly dispose of it?


    I always check the birds legs closely before I pull the trigger to ensure no pigeon fancier is left waiting in a lonely pigeon loft..........

  4. Our permission has been largely cut now and there appears to be days when the pigeons are plentiful or non-existent, but little in-between!


    A reconnaissance trip last Tuesday revealed good flight lines and an abundance of pigeons, sadly I couldn’t get out until Friday, and then for just a couple of hours......


    A set up a normal layout along with my rotary- all looked good, but I had only seen a few pigeons on entering the field.


    I waited for quite some time probably about 45 minutes until my first customer arrived, but this was a small group of rooks, however I obliged them anyway!


    I shot just one pigeon in three hours, and I couldn't retrieve him from the undergrowth anyway, however I did end up with a small bag of about 14 rooks and crows which provided a good couple of hours of sport- three of the rooks were shot inside of one minute, but all in different groups- which surprised me, but not as much as me actually being able to hit them consistently.


    I would have shot more but I had foolishly decided to clean my SX3 in the field and I spent half an hour on the internet watching videos on how to reassemble the breach and align the slider! Not simple like a Beretta! :no:


    Picture of my bag of rooks and crows..... :rolleyes:


    Hope this is not too boring? I just thought I would share my experienece lately here in Cheshire....post-65561-0-87890800-1408203512_thumb.jpg

  5. I had the misfortune to watch this sorry load of trash the other night.


    For those of you considering a relationship (albeit purely carnal) with the delightful young lady featured, frankly I am astonished and I suggest you raise your sights somewhat. Frankly I would rather **** Angela Merkel.

    The boys training their dogs to attack only have one brain cell between them (which they share) and would make perfect candidates for post natal abortion. I would happily pull the trigger.


    It was just an excellent example of why these ill educated pieces of trash should not be allowed any kind of dog, let alone ones truly capable of killing.


    I am in full agreement with the guy above- Bull Dog, and would be only too happy to vent an aggressive pit pull with 50 gramms of no.1 shot. As you rightly say, its near impossible to part a clamped on bulldogs jaws- in the programme the brainless in bred idiots actually choked the dog to get it to release. Please, take him soon lord........


    As I have said earlier, it will take a few more kids faces to be ripped off, and a few more dead babies for anyone to take notice.


    As for the sympathetic copper in the film who allowed dopey ******** to keep her deadly dogs- that she clearly had no chance of controlling, I just think 'shame on you'. I for one would have expected him to know better? I wonder if he will still be cheerily tickling it under the chin when it has throttled one of his workmates dispatched to remove the Canabis plants from her basement?


    I watch this ****, and these **** people with increasing alarm and dispair. frankly I think we are all ****ed.


    There is nothing pleasant in their lives and they live like feral animals. I think we should treat them like the vermin that they are........


    Anyway, dont forget the bible reading and prayers later this evening........


    God Bless.

  6. Controversial but true....I'm afraid in 95% of these cases of ownership of said dogs, the dogs have a significantly better developed intelligence than their owners who are predominately Neanderthal.


    You see them walking their dogs in the middle of a winter Blizzard with a "look at me Im hard " Tee shirt on...shaven head and tattoos and walking as if they have something solid stuck up their backside and dislocated shoulders...


    Tell me Im wrong.!

    You are not wrong. Having spent time owning American Pit Bulls, and helping to prosecute the types of brainless thugs you will see on this program, I find it hard to understand how we allow these people to own a corgi let alone a pitbull.


    In my opinion, Pitbulls, and the other notorious breeds should be kept only by those people who can demonstrate a need, or who are of such solid characters, that they are beyond reproach. Having a pitbull in a seventh floor council flat along with a three year old and and a baby is a recipe for disaster as we have already seen time and time again. There will of course be another story of a child having its face removed by a pitbul or similar within the next six weeks as the kids are on holiday and the chavs are on the ****. The tragedy is that it will take more deaths, of more innocents before the government will wake up and take action. I bet none of the thugs with these dogs would qualify for a FAC!


    As I mentioned earlier-I have owned and trained American Pitbulls myself, predominantly for use in boar hunting on our estate in France, but despite having the dogs from puppies, and them being frightengly effective, they became unruly and dangerous to almost anyone, and incredibly unpredictable. I ended up destroying both animals when it became apparant that they were both attempting to become top dog and depose me. I kid you not.


    All dogs should be treated with a degree of respect, they are, afterall, animals, not humans. Any dog will snap if sufficiently provoked or frightened, they are hard wired in many ways and to say, about ANY dog- 'he wouldn't hurt a fly' is naive in the extreme.


    Just my thoughts.

  7. I was out yesterday on about 1000 acres of Barley stubble, right in the middle.....


    6 Hard Hours........


    In the rain.............



    Soggy sandwiches........



    Muddy Boots..........



    Sad spaniel.........



    Saw two pigeons



    Shot at one



    Clear miss........



    Drank beer......






    I thought my set up looked deadly........- here it is, oh and yes, thats Jodderel bank behind...!! perhaps the aliens put the pigeons off?



  8. happily not much activity on this now.


    The guy was a con man. he got caught out.


    I had my money back in a matter of weeks as oon as i realised i had been done.


    I used the correct methods via the courts. If I had wanted to be vociferous, I would have had his certificates revoked and his guns seized.


    I trust no one is out of pocket, but if so just PM me and I will give you the sure fire method of getting any monies paid back in your accounts in a feww weeks- and I dont charge any fees!!!

  9. It was one of those perfect secrets, known to just a few..... :innocent:


    A gliiter ball in a field, than suddenly thousands of pigeons milling around.....the shooting was astonishing, an average bag exceeding 700 birds in half a day, tractors delivering cases of fresh amunition, farmers begging you to bring your 'Magic Ball' to their fields......


    But as usual all good things are spoilt by some one going a step too far...yes, you guessed it, some idiot, not content with several thousand pigeons a week started adding the sound track to Saturday Night Fever. Basically the Bee Gees have a lot to answer for... Margaret Thatcher rushed special legislation through the house of commons, sittings were held late into the night, even the lords held mass protests in Trafalgar square, I am surprised none of you can remember? The coverage was only overshadowed by events in the Falklands.


    SO now, policemen patrol our leafy lanes in their silent electric cars windows wound down listening intently for the dulsit tones of Barry Gibb and 'Staying Alive' wafting over the hedgerows and the reflection of a trillion glittery lights on the trees overhead...some have attempted to flout the law, but all have ended up in the tower with just a glitter ball for company.


    Be warned.....not everything that gliiters is good for pigeons.






    In my head, it is very funny...........

  10. Here are this season's commercial fees (priced in Euros) in southern Turkey :

    Trip Duration : 5 hunting nights / 2 days travel


    Price : 2.190.- € inclusive the strongest boar


    Trophy Surcharge : trophy fees*


    Accommodation : Hotels, cottages or fly camps



    *Trophy fees for extra boars


    0-15.9 cm 600.- €

    16-17.9 cm 825.- €

    18-19.9 cm 1.045.- €

    20-21.9 cm 1.260.- €

    22-23.9 cm 1.550.- €

    24-25.9 cm 1.800.- €

    26cm and over 2.750.- €

    Task Preparation 40.- €

    Female 400.- €

    Skinning 110.- €

    Wounded 275.- €

    Missing Shot 110.- €



    Largest boar, 5 hunting nights full-board accommodation without alcoholic drinks, hunting licenses, area fees customs handling, transfer from / to the airport, guiding, interpreter



    International airfares, pre-scouting, hotel before/after the hunt, hotel extras, insurance, extra trophies, sightseeing tours, tips, trophy shipment, alcoholic drinks


    As you can see they know how to charge, if you prefer to pay to shoot them.

    This is useful to show how expensive this kind of hunting can be but I am concerned people may think it applies to this hunt, which obviously it does not.

  11. If they are truly wild, nothing can be guaranteed so it's a lot of money to take a chance on, mind you, if the weathers isn't too good you can always stay at the Lodge and get your money's worth just lounging about in the robe and slippers :good:

    I have never seen a wild boar charging at you on purpose or charging through the undergrowth to try and eat you, they are normally doing their best to get away from the dogs and will avoid you if you make a noise.

    They may take a slash at you as they pass if you get in the way, but will only be a danger to you if they are injured and you approach them or they feel they are cornered.

    Mind you, I have only seen wild boar in Poland, Germany, Lithuania, Hungary, Croatia and the Czech Republic so maybe the Boar in France are different :)

    They are truly wild. Its not possible for you to understand the set up as you will not have seen anything like this before, it is truly unusual. If you have not been charged by a wild boar, then you have not felt the adrenalin rush that comes with it, believe me, it is hunting at its most exciting. Wild boar ar natuarlly agressive when threatened, and positivly lethal if wounded. Like a cape bufffalo, they will come and find you.


    And on your first point, the hunting and the bag is guaranteed. This may sound unusual but we have never failed to provide a truly memorable hunt over the last 11 years. We know the boar are there and we know how to make it possible for you to get an incredible sporting shot at them.


    After the hunt, the robe and slippers will compliment a single chateau cognac as you prepare for the hunt dinner......ther wont be much lounging around, we have wenches to see to that. :rolleyes:


    I have been before, about half a dozen times or so, but more at the cheap and cheerful end of the scale.

    Biggest one I have shot so far was only about 165kg, but that was all included in the cost of the trip as was the oak mount for the tusks.


    One of the reasons I have never booked the sort of trip you have described are the hidden extra's, stories of people being hit with 1500 euro bills for shooting a trophy sized pig for instance. So I would be interested in more details of what is/isn't included pig wise in the price?


    The price is all inclusive. There are no hidden costs whatsoever. In terms of extras, there is a fee for taxidermy of the whole head and shoulders mounted on an oak plaque. You can see an example above the fire place in the lodge. I should have mentioned that we also include your kills mounted tusks on an oak plaque, set in a solid silver hand crafted oak leaf, as befits tradition in France. I have put this together for my colleagues in this community, I promise you it represents a bargain. I think the problem is that we dont hunt boar here so no one is that aware of what is involved. I have heard a few horror stories too. But more imporatantly I have heard of so many people going to hunt and never even seeing an animal. On this hunt you will see dozens and dozens of boar.

  13. Are the boar truly wild, or is the estate fenced?

    Do you get to keep the robe & slippers? :)

    Wild? they are generally furious, and often 200 Kilos plus which is a site to behold as it comes tearing through the undergrowth to try and eat you. I don't know if yo have ever seen a boar persued by dogs, but I can assure they get very cross. We have one or two hounds emerging from the pack slightly inside out during some hunts. As a human I reccomend being close to a tree you can climb, and that you bring clean pants.


    The estate is bordered by a 12ft high 17th century stone wall. It would take you an awfully long time to walk round it as the estate is many hundeds of acres in size. There is an indigenous population of boars that are carefully manged in a totally wild habitat to provide sport for kings. Despite the estate being enclosed, the boars are completely wild and roam free in the hunting environment.


    And as you are clearly an important fellow, I can do you a deal on the robe and slippers...do you want the serving wench as well? :whistling:


    Seriously, This is the type of hunting few of us ever get the opportunity to enjoy, and it will be worth every penny in both excitement and memories.



    was only clays the first time, tuna fishing in the caribean has cleaned me out for next year..


    Its all lies, he is one of the richest people in cheshire.......

  14. Hello.


    This is a slightly speculative post to gauge interest in an unusual and one off opportunity to shoot huge wild boar in France. If, once you have read the details, and you are genuinely interested, please PM me and I will come back with further details. I am not looking for payment at the moment as I want a list of guns confirmed before I make the final arrangements.


    I am able to offer seven guns the opportunity to visit an exclusive and unique venue in the Loire Valley, with guaranteed prolific massive wild boars. The estate itself is the grounds to one of the area’s largest chateaus with history back to the 17th century. The shoot was founded by myself and my friend about 12 years ago and has been slowly built up to become one of the finest boar hunting opportunities anywhere in the world. What makes this place truly different is the professionalism with which it is run and the standard of accommodation, and après hunt activities that we have available. This is not cheap and cheerful shooting for obvious reasons. The cost will be £2150 per gun.


    The cost of the hunt will include all of the following-


    1. Two nights Accommodation in the 6 star luxury 7 bedroomed lodge hotel within the estate. The lodge was designed for the rich and famous and is truly one of a kind. Your room will be equipped with everything you need down to slippers, a robe, and shaving kit....

    2. Use of a weapon of your choice. This will be either a shotgun with breneke slugs, or a large calibre rifle.

    3. All ammunition.

    4. Wines chosen and served by one of France's most respected sommeliers, currently providing wines to Gordon Ramsay. This is not plonk from the supermarket but individually selected boutique wines from exclusive chateau’s around the world.

    5. One of the best chefs in France preparing gourmet feasts, served at a seventeenth century solid oak table in front of the fines fire place in the Loire valley.

    6 All required licences and insurance.

    7. A training session on our professional running boar range.

    8. Safety training, and a full preparation for boar hunting.

    9. Warm refreshments and drinks served by our wenches in your high seat or at your peg.

    8. Pre hunt traditional French Breakfast and associated shenanigans

    9. Evening entertainment- post hunt banquet- shenanigans......

    10. Guaranteed minimum bag of Wild Boar, at least one per gun. Everyone gets shooting, but of course it will be up to you to aim straight!

    11. Dog pack, handlers and hunt assistants

    12. Butcher prepared and packaged Boar meat to take home.

    13. Reduced Trophy fees, if booked at the hunt- We charge just £745 for a fully mounted head, delivered directly to you in the UK. You can see hundreds of examples of our taxidermists work on the estate. Our taxidermist is considered the premier at his craft in the whole of Europe.

    14. More excitement, and adrenalin fuelled hunting than you will experience anywhere in the world. Wild boar is ferocious and cunning. Keep your wits about you!


    So, if you want, what I can absolutely promise, an incredible, memorable and exciting few days please register your interest with me as a first step. I will be catting to all interested parties by telephone to discuss the finer details and make sure that this type of hunting will suit you. Finally, this hunting is normally only available to the seriously wealthy. We are offering a less than half price deal as a one off this season because we have so many huge boars at the moment.


    Finally, I realise that you can go to Romania or other countries and shoot at wild boar for much less money. All I can say is that in terms of getting what you pay for, this represents absolutely fantastic value for money. I have attached a few photos to help give you an idea of what to expect. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to enjoy this venue, normally reserved for princes and kings. The memory of this hunt will last forever.


    To register your interest please PM me. I will then send you more pictures as I can only upload 300kb here!








  15. Name him so no one else gets stung and he can be banned.

    I understand your sentiments, however we are not here to sit as judge and jury and besides as I have been very clear about other litigation that may be in process, so stop worrying about his identity or getting him banned, it may cause him to go to ground or stop others getting their money back.....


    I apprecaite your understanding and cooperation!

  16. Hello Adam.


    The advice from fenboy is good. Shotgun shooting is not that expensive, you could pick up a second hand weapon and a few boxes of cartridges to start with, walk some hedgerows, shoot some rabbits or roosting birds?


    Many farmers will grant permission to thin out the crows or something but proving that you are responsible and honest will be important to anyone giving permission for someone to go onto their land with a firearm. Call at the farms, dress reasonably, be polite and to the point, show some entusiasm for actually helping out.


    Once yu ahve established a few relationships and gained a little experinece getting permission for an FAC weapon should become straight forward. In my experience, taking things one step at a time would be wise.


    Another option of course would be getting a high powred spring air rifle? Cheap as chips to own and fire, but deadly in a farmyard against rats, feral pigeons and so on? You could even get the odd woody, or rabbit...come to think of thats how I got my first permission!

  17. Hello to all.


    I am about to impart a rather unfortunate experience. I have considered this carefully before posting it, and I intend to keep the perpetrators identity secret for the time being because he is an active member of these forums but some of my friends here may still be involved with litigation to have monies returned to them so consider this a general 'WARNING'.


    I have only recently joined this forum, and it has proved really useful. I have made a couple of new friends and as you would expect in our community they are decent blokes, and good shooting people.


    In some ways, because we all expect each other to be basically 'alright' we may on occasions leave ourselves open to schoolboy errors. Unfortunately in all walks of life there are rogues, criminals, fraudsters and just generally bad types.


    This tale is about me, making a ridiculous schoolboy error, and paying dearly for it, along with about 11 other unfortunate souls. I would not normally be 'caught out' by anyone. I am not that old or very young, (46) I am well-travelled, (I work in Asia, Africa and Europe) I consider myself to have a reasonable level of education and I have been involved with upsetting criminal activities on many occasions in my career. So, this should NOT have happened to me! Please let me explain.


    Having moved recently to a new area where I knew no one, i decided to join this forum to make a few friends and hopefully find a little bit of shooting. Nothing fancy, just a few acres, sufficient to enjoy my chosen sport. Because I don’t know anyone, I decided that I was happy to pay a reasonable sum to secure some rights. I just needed it to be within 50 miles of me, and have pigeons flying over it!


    I was delighted when I saw an advertisement in the 'Shooting Available-Paid for' section of the site. It was close enough, the area promised hundreds of woodies, and the price seemed fine. I duly contacted the chap, via this site to set up a meeting. I met with the gentleman concerned along with two other guys at the entrance to some cut rape in a pleasant location. The guy we met seemed extremely plausible. He had printed some rudimentary maps, he was confident enough to enter the land with us, even allowing one of the guns to carry a loaded weapon in case an unfortunate creature should raise its head! We walked the land. It all seemed perfect, multiple crops, great hedge rows, there were pigeons around and evidence of rabbits etc. Our host talked expansively about how many woodies we would shoot, he explained that we would never see anyone as the land was private and he also said that he had bought and paid for the shooting rights on the land. He went on, very convincingly about the syndicate meetings we would have, how we would record the game shot, and even discussed the working parties required to convert two small bomb holes into flight ponds; putting some ducks down and so on.


    Once we had concluded the initial meet, and knowing that spaces were limited, we retired to the entrance of the land and money changed hands. We all committed there and then, in cash. This chap went home with his pockets bulging with 20 pound notes, easily more than 1000 pounds, and that was just three of us.


    In return all he asked was that we text him to say when we would be shooting. As any self-respecting Meerkat would say- ‘Simples’.


    Now, at this point you will all be asking- 'Why didn’t you ask for proof?' 'Did you meet the land owner' 'Did you get a receipt?' and so on, and you would of course be right to do so. In my defence, (and it’s a very poor defence) I simply put my trust in this character because everything seemed so plausible. It often is when fraud is involved; part of the craft of the fraudster is to show total confidence. I was taken in hook, line and sinker; this was because I have always had an innate confidence in all those within our community. I simply thought it would be impossible to get ripped off. Foolish boy.


    Anyway, I will try and cut this story down and get to the key points without boring you all with too much detail.


    I began to shoot over the land within a few days, I even invested in a shiny new semi auto to do so! My first surprise came when I realised that people were walking just a few feet behind my hide, and on investigation I discovered a busy public footpath dissecting the land! This had not been mentioned! I also noticed people walking dogs all over the place as well. Some guy even came and knocked on my hide accompanied by a gaggle of dogs to see If I would let him have some pigeons! Obviously I changed positions, and did my best to keep an eye open for wandering dog walkers and other locals!


    The alarm bells had started ringing because I had specifically asked about walkers only to be assured there were virtually 'none'. I don’t like shooting when people arrive unexpectedly, I am fanatical about safety. On my second outing I noticed a 4 X 4 on the land and assumed it was another syndicate member, I had met a few other guns by this time. Unfortunately it was not another syndicate member, it was the actual person with shooting rights on the land. A relative of the land owner and farmer. In effect, I was unceremoniously thrown off the permission. To be fair to the guy he was pretty decent about the whole thing and even showed a degree of sympathy, but it was clear that he had no knowledge of a syndicate on his land. Serious alarm bells now.


    Anyway, clearly there was a problem. Communication from the guy we had met in the field before stopped abruptly, texts went unanswered and he became somewhat elusive. I had the hump by now as clearly I was severely out of pocket and this chump was sitting pretty with a large piece of my hard won cash. A situation that I could not allow to prevail.


    Fortunately, I have the means to track down jokers like this and I quickly located his place of work, his partner’s details, and of course exactly where he lived.


    In order to get my money back, I started by contacting him by text and phone, all of which went un-answered. I was now deafened by the alarm bells, and quickly realised that I had been done. I had been prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt. Mistakes and misunderstandings can happen, even on this monumental scale. It could have been fixed in a matter of moments if it had been a genuine error, as he would have simply said sorry, and given me and the other syndicate members our cash back.


    Once I realised that he was not responding I wrote to him by recorded delivery and in polite but firm terms outlined my proposed course of action. This included the option to refund me in full within 7 days, or court action would follow. As expected he did not respond. I also mentioned that whilst I considered that at present he had made an error, if he was unable to convince me otherwise it would be a matter of reporting him for 'obtaining money by deception' a serious criminal offence carrying a jail term, an early morning visit from the rozzers, and confiscation of all of his weapons and licences, something that seemed a little harsh, but hell, this bloke had my cash, and no one gets one over on me!


    Obviously I recieved no response from him whatsoever. He may have been under the impression that I would just go away as the actual sum of money was not life changing but there is a very serious principle here. At that point I issued a claim against him through the small claims court. No evidence is required at this stage, so it’s simple and cheap to do. The costs would be down to him and I added a percentage of interest on my money and a daily charge of £1 until he settled. He also ignored this.


    Once the initial time was up I texted him pointing out that in addition to my claim, which was becoming more expensive for him each day (but was merely a civil matter in any case) I would be forced to report him for the criminal offence outlined in a previous paragraph. Not unsurprisingly his partner paid the amount owed directly into my account that day.

    I should point out that if someone does not defend the claim, and judgement is made against them, the judgement is easily enforced by a high court order and is toe-curlingly embarrassing for the individual concerned, and of course they pick up the tab. Win win!


    So for me the matter was over, my money and costs had been returned, but only after a fair bit of messing about, during which time I could have been shooting wood pigeons.


    So, here’s a few things to consider when paying for rough shooting…….


    1. Don’t rush into anything.
    2. Ask to meet the land owner, he will have final say on who can shoot and they must be on board.
    3. Don’t pay cash if you can avoid it. There is no paper trail, and it can be considered money laundering if the amounts are high enough.
    4. Talk to some locals if you can.
    5. Return to the proposed permission on you own at another time so you can form your own opinion.
    6. Get a signed agreement.
    7. Talk to other syndicate members.
    8. Make sure they are asking you the correct questions- Have you got insurance? Shotgun/FAC certificate?
    9. Ask them to show you the lease they own for the shooting rights.
    10. Get a list of other syndicate members numbers.

    There are probably other things you need to do as well, but this will be my personal check list in the future.


    This guy has stolen nearly £4000. It should obviously not be allowed to happen. Much of that money remains owed to other syndicate members on this date. They will all get their money back, I will see to that.


    Finally, think about the implications this could have had with the rozzers? We know that some police officers are less than sympathetic with anyone who has the temerity to legitimately own a firearm, so catching you or I wandering around with a loaded weapon somewhere we are manifestly not allowed to be would be a great notch on some coppers wall of fame. The outcome would be bad in so many ways.


    Anyway, that’s the end of this morning’s sermon, I hope that it is of some help to anyone buying a permission.


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