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Posts posted by Lucent

  1. I say go for it, i have a couple of OU but tend shoot with the Beretta semi and have never had any complaints. It wouldn't bother me if a couple of empty carts land at my feet or hit me. Its not like they hurt or put you off if your not actually shooting.

    Some people are funny about them but as long as you are safe and unload between stands there should be little to worry about...

  2. If you tell him you are going to do it and he calls your bluff and you actually do shoot his traps, you will be ruining everyone else's fun and he will just call the police and have you up on a criminal damage charge?!



  3. Hi All, & thank you for the helpful speedy replies!


    Martin that link looks great, good work. I am not sure of the product numbers but i will give them a buzz and see if they can help. When you say make arrangements, that sounds interesting; are you in the import / export biz?? lol. I think the fore-ends for the 686e and White Onyx are interchangeable although getting matching wood may not be so easy.


    Re the East V West, i am signed up for the forthcoming clay comp as discussed at length in the clay forum.

    You should get involved, we can put them to shame :-) (bring shame on myself more like)......


    I did try and contact Beretta and GMK independently but no one responded. Maybe worth another chase but it;s infuriating sending email and getting no response!


    Muchos kudos

  4. Hello All,


    Recently my 686E and my friends White Onyx fell over at a clay shoot. Both were unloaded (obviously) and were about to be dismantled and put back in the car but the fore end on mine is slightly cracked and my friends has some scuff marks.


    Does anyone know where i can buy replacements? Although it is only cosmetic it will obviously effect residual value long term.


    I tried to contact Beretta directly but my emails fell on deaf ears, any thoughts very welcome!


    V best



  5. My 2 pennies worth,


    The problem is not BP & Esso setting the price of petrol, it is a case of basic supply and demand of crude oil.


    The oil producing nations have restricted oil supply which has pushed prices up. Crude oil which is widely publicised to have exceeded $100 per barrel is meaning that prices at the pumps have to rise. With the government taxing petrol so heavily, us not buying for a week or two would not make a speck of difference and the only people we would inconvenience is ourselves!


  6. Great, thank you, some very useful advice! The link to the shotgunworld page was extremely helpful with the pics i strongly recommend anyone with a Bereta AL391 to red this.


    I have disassembled the Beretta in its entirety and cleaned every square inch. I am surprised to see the useless tools they give you to disassemble the valve, the bolts were on so tight i have bent both tools already.


    Hopefully with any luck this will have solved the problem, thanks again!

  7. Dear All,


    I recently bought a second hand Beretta AL391 Teknys Gold Sporting. It is great to shoot with but i have noticed that 1 or 2 in every 25 rounds gets stuck in the ejector port and as a result the second round doesn't chamber.


    I am trying to understand if this a normal problem when shooting semis or whether there may be something up.


    I have been using comp-X cartridges, nothing out of the ordinary.


    Your collective thoughts very welcome!





  8. Afternoon all,


    I have a Teknys semi and a Browning O/U. I tend to use the semi for sporting and the O/U for UT or DTL. I have not met any hostility using the semi for sporting and the club i go to is considered "well posh". Trust me they sell caviar flavoured coffee. That said, i always pick the shells up and sheath it between stands (like a gentleman) :~)


    I think as long as you are safe and dont wave it around once you have finished shooting, and always carry barrel up, you should be okay!


    There are always some people who will take issue with something but they are bores whos opinions are largely decorative.


    I hope this helps Luc.



  9. Great advice guys, i really appreciate it.


    Thank you to Sundodger for the reccomendation of a good gun smith, that will come in very useful and i hope you got your Silver Pigeon sorted?


    Peter-Peter thanks for your note, the Beretta semi is incredibly tempting and i have been sniffing around a Teknys Gold sporter at Avalon Guns. I would snap this up in an instant as i love the look and feel of it but having read a previous debate, i gather this is a whole different can of worms that should be saved for another time...!


    I didnt realise that you could road test guns before buying which is great news and willl no doubt make the process a lot easier.


    Cheers again, keep your thoughts coming!!

  10. Hello and thank you for your replies.


    So, in way of a personal blurb... I am 25 and live in Bristol. I shoot down in Cheddar and have been going there for about 5 or 6 months. So far so good, but have now got a licence and am keen to buy a decent gun that will stand me in good stead for many years clay shooting.


    I will be using the gun for shooting clays, and your right, i started off deciding that a Betinsoli would be great, but i now have convinced myself that you have to be really happy with your gun and it has to make you feel good when your using it!


    If you buy the cheapest based purely on price, i think it will be the back of your mind and you would be tempted to blame misses on the gun!


    I have taken a fancy to the 682 Gold E and the more modestly priced 686 E sporting as well but am finding it a bit of a minefield!


    Thanks again for your thoughts.


    V best.

  11. Dear All


    I was wondering if i may be able to tap your collective wealth of knowledge to try and decide what new o/u sporting shotty to buy.


    As you may have guessed from the title, i would like to shell out about a grand - £1,500 (top whack) for a new sporter and so far have seen the Browning Cynergy & Grand Prix Sporter which both look great and would be really grateful to learn about whats been making waves and floating your rafts in and around this price bracket... I'm mad about the minimal styling of the aforementioned and love the modern looks.


    There are so many on the market and with all reviews seeming favourable i feel like i am studying for a gun degree!


    Thanks in advance for your thoughts and opinions.


    Pigeonwatch forum, over to you!!!

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