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Posts posted by Mitchell


    Did they not also place radio/gps trackers inside some of the horn too and sealed it back up. Sure i seen a nature program where they cut a large chunk off and then bored into the rest to put a tracker in.


    I can't see any normal round this problem and with more and more far eastern money invested in africa the poaching problem that was declining is going to go throu the roof, and many of these folk that buy the end product would happily buty the horn of the very last rhino and be proud of it.


    Wot i'd love to do is when they find a find a stash of rhino horn (or other poached product) either posion it and put it back in the container see how they like that!!

    Or a slightly less extreme method contaminate it with something the exact oppisate of wots its meant to do, so if rhino horn gives u the horn mix it up with oestrogen? or some female hormone.

    U'll never ever educate them so try and knacker/contaminate the supply lines rather than actually cutting them off and try to knoacker the end market.


    The only other way would be to have rhino farms or encourage locals to encourage/manage them but also sell the hunt as a trophy hunt and then siphon all the money back into conservation and proper gps/satelite tracking on as many rhino's as possible and have shed loads of anti poaching patrols shooting poachers on sight.

    Correct, they did try and hide gps trackers inside the horn, one guy even commented and said "the shavings you see here are worth more than my months salary" Coming from South Africa and an area close to the Kruger Park I have seen a massive increase in anti poaching activities. It is becoming an all out war as the anti poaching groups are fired upon on sight by the poachers(AK 47's) When I was younger I also did an anti poaching course with Protrack in a town called Hoetspriut and you will be amazed at the ingenuity of the poachers!!!

  2. It's always beggared me that they can't/don't remove horns from Rhino in the wild in the name of preservation ?

    After all, they can dart them and tag them so why not trim the horn of whilst they're at it ?

    They have done this in the past, the horn grows back and they have to redo the process. The concoction they use to knock it down will damage the health of the animal if keep on doing it.

  3. You don't have to check humane lethal traps daily. That is just some BS that is being thrown about but a couple of mole trapping types. I leave rat traps and mouse traps down for a week at a time. There is also no legislation that I know of that says you need to check Fenns either. Live catch yes, but if it kills humanely....

    Correct, you do not need to check kill traps daily. I check and record mine every Monday, in the case that I do have an activation I need to check the activated trap for the following three days to ensure there is no infestation.


    The more activation you have the more you need to check them, this is only to keep killing them and not to let any ones through due to the trap being out of use.

  4. Well to be honest with some of the comments here, im not here to prove anything, and i don't appreciate the comments.


    I thought the whole point of this forum was to share ideas and be accepting of other people and the way they are.


    I will happily meet up with anyone in the West Midlands who's on this forum to prove a point to those who want to poke fun, everyone has to start off somewhere, and im sure you started off a little wet behind the ears too, and didnt just "pop out" a shooting God.


    I am still a serving member of the Armed forces and hence my medical and criminal checks do not take too long, having my vetting cleared. Im a Sikh, and if you read up about Sikhs you would know that we are known to the British Empire as a "martial race" because we have a history of love for weapons and warfare. I came to this forum to help expand my knowledge and the knowledge of others, im not here to try and question other people ore questioned myself. If the moderators or admins think my posts to be inappropriate or a "farce" then im pretty sure they can revoke my access, however i have been quite polite and asked my questions nicely. What is peoples problem? What unit are you with?


    Guys before you cast judgment, look at the type of crimes committed against whites in South Africa. Why don't you google farm attacks and see what comes up? That sort of crimes are not limited to farms tho.

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