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Everything posted by TAA

  1. Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is Tom, and I DO work for Eley Hawk Ltd. I read this forum often and I find it very interesting and educating. I have not joined as a member, as I feel any of my comments would be biased. This morning I have had some phone calls from friends who are members of this forum, letting me know of what was happening in this particular forum; after reading the posts, I have decided to join, to post one comment. Please allow me; The views of any individuals here are personal, and not or on behalf of the company, let me assure you of that. The only official communication is this one. Regarding the new ranges of cartridges, we have tried to do something new and different, based on a marketing study. I appreciate some are not every body's cup of tea and we take the comments on board, to ensure future projects are improved. Also, I would like to thank those members who showed their support to our company and products; this is much appreciated. For those who do not feel that way, I apologise personally to them. I was not aware of the issues raised here, but even though there have been mitigating circumstances, we are reinforcing our sales team more than ever before to ensure we can support our customers how they deserve. We have clearly failed you, and we need to put things right. For those on this forum who feel left out or ignored, I offer you now my personal help. Should you wish, please contact me directly and I will do my very best to solve any issues. I hope the above is satisfactory; again my apologies and my best regards. Sincerely, T.A.
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