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Posts posted by Edenshooter

  1. 17 hours ago, marsh man said:

    GOOD LUCK for tomorrow , if your weather forecast is the same as ours , very little wind and a frost you might need a bit of luck .

    I no longer go in the mornings but when I did I found decoying on rape that was covered in frost was very similar to decoying on a field covered with a light fall of snow , hard work , once the sun got up and melted the frost it was a different story and decoying was back on . a lot will depend on how long the pigeons have been feeding on the rape , if only a few days then you might move them on after the first few shots , if they have got used to being undisturbed after a week or more then you might get them come back that much better , still there is only one way way to find out and hopefully you have caught it right :good:

    I am back after an early morning start. Hard frost and -4 degrees, no wind. Set up first light. Magnet and some shells on  field of OSR that has been hard hit for over a fortnight. However, Birds started to move onto another field in view. Cannot reason why that happened! But nothing much else moved for a while, until as you said, the sun shone and melted a bit of frost! But it was noon and I couldn't feel my toes.. so I packed up. At least I have learned a bit of field craft - winter osr and hard frost, have a lie in and wait for things to warm up!

  2. Good luck dead eye. I too am out first light, there must be a thousand or more on my permission. It's a pheasant shoot so I normally don't get chance to hit them before February. Is that your experience hawkfanz on early osr? Just so I can set my expectations lol

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