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Posts posted by spartina2

  1. On 14/10/2022 at 17:02, Dave at kelton said:

    Spelling it is one thing understanding what means is entirely different🤭😂

    Well that is true i geuss.


    However in all seriousness, just read the latest Eden "newsheet" about shooters being reported to polis alba about off reserve shooting.

    Don't know any other details apart from what was printed.

    Eyes and ears everywhere...


  2. For the notice of the guns [standing up on coble point and looking west at 0935 ish] as was noted by various observers** in the big glass building, that there was "someone with guns there" ;  just to point out that skylining yourself[s] is just going to make them move further away into the reserve [if they can be bothered]  in any matter  better practice of fieldcraft would alleviate this twitchy issue..

    Still it's good to see someone out there, hope you had a good flight.


    **And this lot aren't even the semi/professional twitchers.


  3. On 19/10/2021 at 12:47, Dave at kelton said:

    3” is perfectly adequate for all you are doing. 3.5” is really one for the foreshore and maximum loads at long range.

    True, for now. Once plaswads are inevitably banned, however, then the 3.5" cartridge case MAY have a resurgence to accommodate thicker "sustainable" alternatives [but with 3" loadings]....

  4. Well David BASC you have certainly done your masters bidding, no one can accuse you being lapse in that respect.


    Sorry David but I can't agree with this.

    Most people are so idle, look at the number of BASC members who vote as an example, that they don't apply for licences to shoot things out of season. They probable don't even know that they can. However, once they can just go and shoot things - they will. It is human nature.

    Natural England have not had many applications for SL's for geese or mallards. There is no reason to change the law other than to save money and please certain bird groups.

    The gravel pits around my area were covered in Canada's once - Not any more because the eggs were pricked when the law was changed.

    Now the pits are the breeding grounds for greylags - Well just guess what is going to happen to them.

    BASC have got this so wrong that no matter how long you argue, for your employers, that is the right and proper thing to do - no fowler is going to agree with you.

    This goes against everything I have ever worked for in the world of conservation of wildfowl.


    Totally agree. There must be a reason, but one can only come to the conclusion that members are not considered fit enough persons to be told.


    Lead shot anybody???

  5. I am afraid need to pitch in again in defence of David. His offer to help Wildfowlers join farmers in crop protection is admirable. The vociferous few who are posting on here are having a rant and assuming they and only their view is right and must prevail. To have your say is fine. To keep on hammering on when you do not agree with another's point of view simply amounts to the tactics of a bully. For someone to say that their view or their experience is more valid than another's is arrogant in the extreme.

    I will defend the right of wildfowlers to wildfowl, but equally I expect those who wildfowl to accept that where control is necessary out of season they should support those who have a different job to do.

    As I have said before, my experience is that geese are clever. In areas where I shoot Canadas for pest control I shoot on average never more than one at a time. Often none. The sound of a full bore rifle shot is a powerful message and one that geese understand. IMHO it is far more effective to deal with problem geese on the ground than trying to deal with them in flight. I know it is not sport, but again my experience is that it is more effective and results in the destruction of fewer birds.

    In areas where shooting of geese is not possible and where Canadas pose a real nuisance eg parks and nature reserves addling eggs is often undertaken. That in my opinion has a far greater effect on reducing numbers than shooting. One reserve that had a massive problem of literally more than a hundred goslings wandering about defacating on footpaths and picnic areas used paraffin wax on nests the following year and instead of hundreds of goslings there were five. Now over the years where you have 20+ pairs producing 5 offspring it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what action has the greatest effect on long term population numbers.

    Much vitriol has been aimed at David and BASC but it should not be forgotten that other shooting organisations have come to a similar view as BASC. I have seen the NGO response as a member of that organisation and there doesn't seem much difference in the position of both organisations. Not everyone can be wrong. Maybe those in the minority need to accept they are a minority and try and accept the view of the majority. After all that is democracy.

    With the greatest of respect, if you can't figure out why


    "Much vitriol has been aimed at David and BASC but it should not be forgotten that other shooting organisations have come to a similar view as BASC"


    That BASC was meant to represent wildfowlers [and to a certain extent the welfare of their quarry] and has failed to do so in such an underhand manner....


    I'm lost for words,



    If members want to call an SGM they can, its in the rules. If that SGM which ahs been mooted earlier on this thread has failed to materialise or even start to get off the ground, you can hardly lay the blame at my or Conors door can you?


    As to not receiving members input, well as I said we have been asking for members input on this consultation since the end of February, and we have certainly had plenty of it, yes some against, but the majority in favour, not perhaps what you want to hear, but that's the current state of play.





    David, Good Evening.


    May I ask some questions of yourself and BASC?


    Your statement re Members input: what number were wildfowlers and just how many "inputs" did you receive prior to the council making their recommendation???


    Of that input what % for/against??


    Now you mentioned Bag returns, how many clubs have returned these figures to BASC for there to be a basis for that shocking decision??



    I understand that both yourself and Connor are in a difficult position, however have you ever heard the term broken covenant???



    Well you have now.






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