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Posts posted by Pigeonman1

  1. I have done two tours of Afghanistan, the first was in Sangin (the major town in Helmand now almost in taliban hands) and the second in Kajaki, with a month or so back down in Sangin. The firt tine i was there Sangin was a bombed out mess, resembling a scene from mad max. It was relatively sparcely populated and the taliban generally had much freedom of movement. When i returned three years later the place was unrecognisable. The bazaar (high street of shops) was a hive of activity with shops ranging from mechanics to bakers doing brisk business. The place had been tidied up somewhat and the population had returned. It cost a lot of lives to get to this state of affairs, 13 men from my battle group died on that second tour, four of whom were good friends. I have said all along that once we left and allowed the Afghan forces to take responsibility for their own country then the taliban would run wild. Unfortunately i have been proven right!

  2. Im yet to see this film, i was based at Kajaki when on my second tour during 2009/2010 (Herrick11). We all heard of the story from the blokes we were replacing there. You could still see some of the kit left behind after the mine strike down in the bottom of the re-entrant.

    Im interested to see how much the film set actually looks like Kajaki, there were some amazing views from the OP at the top of the hills.

  3. I have a Swazi Tahr Anorak which my father very kindly bought me for Christmas! Ray Mears often wears them in his programmes. It is very lightweight and breathable. Mine is quite roomy which is good to go over layers in the winter but also good for those spring/late summer showers when its still a little warm. They are quite pricey and come from New Zealand but i wouldn't swap mine for anything else.

    The Ridgeline anoraks look similar to my Swazi and are cheaper so mabye check them out.


    Hope this has been of some use!

  4. The summer holidays are here and it leaves me with the problem of how to keep myself busy for 6 weeks. (Because if i dont find something to do, her indoors will will have a list of jobs as long as my arm!)

    Therefore I am looking for some pigeon shooting days in the South Yorkshire area. I have my chainsaw tickets and gear so would be willing to exchange work for a couple of days on the pigeons.


    Have SGC and insured through BASC.



  5. Hi all,


    As i work in a school i have the luxury of lots of holidays! The only problem is what to do to occupy myself. If i dont find something to do, the missus definately will! So i was wondering if anyone in the south yorkshire area would like a bit of company out on the fields tackling some pigeons? Half term starts on the 25th of May.

    I have been shooting for a few years and was previously in the British Army so am competent and safe with a firearm. I have SGC and am fully insured through BASC.


    Im not expecting to gain any permission from this, just the odd day to get me out of doing jobs for her indoors would be fantastic!


    Many thanks!



  6. Hi everyone. Im looking for some pigeon shooting in the South Yorkshire area, I live in Rotherham and am happy to travel. I have all my own gear and am insured through BASC.

    I am looking for more than just paid days as I work in a school have lots of holidays to fill!

    I am more than happy to help out with work if needed, i have CS30/31 chainsaw qualifications and am happy to give a few days work in exchange for pigeon shooting.


    Any help will be greatly appreciated!



  7. Hi everyone. Im looking for some pigeon shooting in the South Yorkshire area, I live in Rotherham and am happy to travel. I have all my own gear and am insured through BASC.

    I am looking for more than just paid days as I work in a school have lots of holidays to fill!

    I am more than happy to help out with work if needed, i have CS30/31 chainsaw qualifications and am happy to give a few days work in exchange for pigeon shooting.


    Any help will be greatly appreciated!



  8. Hi all,


    Im after a little help. A friend has asked me for some help finding a clay pigeon ground that she can book for her boyfriend and father for christmas. I have shot quite a few times at Braithwell gun club (which is a great place to spend a sunday morning!) however neither of them own their own gun.


    Does anyone know of somewhere in the South Yorkshire area where she could book a shooting 'experience' for her boyfriend and father?


    Any help/ideas appreciated.

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