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Duck all

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Posts posted by Duck all

  1. On 25/11/2022 at 19:07, oowee said:

    I guess its about balance cost and benefit. A barrage is likely needed to protect Kings Lynn, the wash is likely to be lost to wildlife in its current form with sea level rises, 2bn is a lot less than the 21bn of a N Power plant not sure what the mw to £ ratio is like. The barrage comes with lots of additional  jobs through the deep water port and of course its a much greener option.  

    So basically it’s not about saving the environment it’s about greed and making money. 

  2. 6 hours ago, Stonepark said:

    There is no need for keepers of small numbers of outside birds to house their livestock, as long as you accept (like with humans) you may lose a few, but importantly most healthy birds get over the flu as do humans.

    All these shut in's do is prevent herd immunity being achieved as quickly as possible. In particular they are designed to protect 'broilers' which being between 1 day and 8 weeks old,  have little or no immunity, nor reserves of fat to fight the flu.

    Not much chance of herd immunity with 90 to 100 mortality in many bird species 


    Signs of disease and treatment
    As with influenza virus in humans, different individuals/species may respond differ- ently to the virus. Water birds are known to act as reservoirs of the virus; they may carry the virus and show no signs of disease at all. Conversely, a raptor may come into contact with the same virus (most commonly through eating an infected bird) and death may be the result. Unfortunately the incubation period (time from contracting the virus to demonstrating signs of disease) can be as little as 24 hours (typically 24- 72hrs) and in birds of prey, they are affected so quickly that often the first sign of dis- ease is death.
    There is no specific treatment for avian influenza.

  4. Totally agree, making comments like this on an open forum is not going to help your cause, I would have thought a committee member of any club should be above making threats to anyone that may not agree with their opinion and to put it in writing is unbelievable.


    We don't need to worry about the Rspb or anyone other anti shooting groups the sport is being destroyed by constant bickering from within.


    Just remember divided we fall ...

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