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Posts posted by smudgey

  1. can anyone help. i am looking for someone to sell pigeon in feather preferably. my usual go to has stopped trading so need to find another. i am in weymouth, dorset. any suggestions would be gratefull.

  2. sounds exciting having a new perm. i think plenty of movement is key when you are in a big field especailly when u cant get to where they are feeding. if u have a sitty tree put some lofters up, perhaps one whirly and if u got a flapper i find putting it upwind of the decoys work well but u will soon see if they are spooking. trial and error and plenty of recon. i have also found that if the field is cut putting hide out in the field is good because you get 360 degrees of shooting but make sure its under flightline. no matter what a day in a hide with the gun is better than a day at work. good luck

  3. i dont like leaving any bird thats wounded and not dead and try my best to find it which can be a nightmare in standing crop , especially with out a dog. but how far do you go before make a mess of the crop you are ment to be protecting. even finding the best place where u want to drop them doesnt always go to plan.

  4. defo better than a day at work. sounds like they were more interested in another area. if u could get where they are going in you would be onto a winner but this isnt always possible and always makes it a challenge. iv got a perm to go to tomorrow afternoon and will probably be in the same situation due to alot of wires and pylons on it.

  5. i think everyone has days like this. i started shooting about 6 years ago and up till around a year ago most of my days were similar , still struggle with going away birds. as long as you have had a good day and made some noise i think everyone concerned should be happy. i found the trick is not to get frustrated it makes u think about the shot to much.

  6. thanks for the tips again, had a real good few hours this afternoon. built my hide in the field and covered it with branches, the majority of the pigeons didnt take no notice not even half a dozen rooks. finished with 28 pigeon and 4 rooks, had some brilliant shots and some of those shots u just couldnt believe u mist ahhh. :good: got 50p a pigeon so good day allround.

  7. im going to my perm tomorrow afternoon which has not long been cut. on a recey the best place to be is in the middle of the field between two flight lines. the only trouble is that i havnt got any light coloured nets for the hide, so the question is is it a good idea to try it or try to find a hedgerow that might not be so productive. any ideas or tips would be apreciated.

  8. Just to share a tip. I was struggling with my shooting missing alot more than i was hitting and decided to have a lesson at a clay shooting ground. found out i had a eye dominance problem. there were a few options which i tried, one was shooting from different side (couldnt get use to it), other was using a patch on eye( not good when your in the field) . i found a product called shot spot which u put on inside of glasses to block out your dominante eye when mounted. i would defo recomend even though it takes some getting use to. i was shooting around 8 shots to one hit, now shooting 3 to 1 hit. so chuffed and not so frustrated. any one suffering with this problem i would give it ago.

  9. i will give it a go. is it worth putting any shells on canes on nearby tram lines and if so should i put them in any pattern? iv got a flapper i can borrow would it be any good in this situation? sorry for all the questions but im a bit of a novice and u guys have the knowledge and i need some. :lol:

  10. i had my first expirence on standing wheat yesterday, plenty of activity but very rare to get them to decoy. was not sure on how to put decoys out so just tried a random pattern. it didnt seem to work but was unsure of what pattern to use. any ideas please would be apreciated cos gonna have another bash on saturday. i was using a rotary( at times), two floaters, 4 full bodied on canes, 4 shells on canes, and a few shells on the ground where they have caused damage.

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