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Posts posted by stoxs

  1. nothing wrong with getting attached to something that does you no harm, good on you for admitting your feelings.

    I get the same with our livestock, always had pet sheep in the past now i have a pet cow who lives with all the others but if i go into the collecting yard she will come and find me! i return the compliment with a good full body rub!!


    I really do dread every T.B test!!

  2. when a new one is around £60 it is hardly worth making one!

    I made one many years ago and it worked but often they end up heavy and often the drive shaft from the motor snap off.

    If you are really into self build then go for it , keep it light and make sure the arm carrier on top of the motor is even

  3. sooooooooooooo

    50 ft from center(centre) of a road.

    a single track road would be not alot more than 10ft wide so i would have to be 45ft from edge of road to comply with this rule.

    The 4 lanes and hard shoulder of the M25 must nearly be 50ft from the center(centre)to the edge of road.

    So i could comply by shooting at the edge of the M25 but 45ft from a quiet country road!!





    Stop it! You`re just needlessly continuing this thread now . . .


    Oh . . . ermmmm . . . hang on . . .






    Is that 50 yards, feet,meters or kilometers?

    from a road? side, center, opposite side, white line? can this be a a solid white line or a broken white line, what if there are no white lines?

    can i shoot towards the road? along the road? how far can a horse hear and how near can a horse be before it throws its rider off and causes harm?

    how close can granny be in her mini before we startle her and she has a heart attack and kills the local school children out for their afternoon walk!!


    ohh well shoot safe boys and girls!!

  5. I'm not sure if it's me looking out for it but I seem to see a lot more unsafe shooting now a days, it's normaly folk with too much money and wanting a new hobby ( nothing wrong with that ) but they've no gun safety, I don't think some people understand what a shotgun can do to somebody


    self preservation setting in with age!!!


    we have all done some stupid things, thankfully we got away with it and never did it again!!

    Often it can be that people are afraid to upset anyone and will sit there quiet and not mention it politly.

  6. i am often more concerned at the time between shooting and reloading. Many times i have seen closed guns pass through people to return to shooting position.

    Only needs no safety on and a slight knock or itchy trigger finger!

    If i see this and in shouting range i will shout a reminder!

    Most guns understand what you are getting at, but there is always one or two that are oblivious.

    I have often thought Hi Viz for beaters would be a better idea but thats not the done thing!

  7. I use folding bar stools from "RANGE" about £7.50 each, tall enough to make it easy to rise from, very light to carry ,and most importantly "do the business" :good:


    had a quick look on range web site nothing on there in that price range.

    if you see them online could you pop a link up please.


  8. reading this sounds to me like a young person wanting to get into hatching and rearing.

    we all know 10 is not cost effective but if someone is keen to learn and have asked for advice then lets pass some on.


    As above has said would be good for you to either have a different variety than the normal birds put down or try to find some white one!

    make your season next year far more interesting!!


    good luck and keep us posted.

  9. carp chair would be to low IMHO, as others have said something high just to rest back on when its quiet that keeps your head below the net but easy to stand and shoot from.

    we have a swivel bar stool type seat here but its to heavy to cart around steal base on it. was thinking of making one that folds flat and the right height

  10. In 1990 i too sat all day to shoot 2 pigeons! now in 2016 i sit all day and shoot 3 pigeons!!!

    At the current rate i dont think i will ever get to 50 in my life time!

    Only joking , did find a few this weekend just gone but nothing close to these numbers.

    well done guys, if you ever clear all the pigeons your way and fancy a trip down south i can always find a field or two in return for a bit of expert guidance!!


    It really is a great boost to see such numbers shot over rape , makes one realise it is possible sometimes.

  11. Another option and often the best is go to where the flight line is if possible. Its often better to have a hide in the middle of a field under a flight line than sit in a hedge the other side if the field.


    as for decoys always try to use dead birds they work far better than any decoy i have seen.

    I am not convinced with the air pro decoys but thats just me others will swear by them.

    there was a post regarding pro flappers and the chap using them said they were working well.

    Worth a look.

    get the magnet fixed cant be that bad, maybe new arms and a bit of wiring.

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