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  1. For the short time iv been shooting with you I have thoroughly enjoyed it and couldn't ask for a better group of friends. Looking forward to many more days out with you guys.
  2. I'm thoroughly looking forward to my next outing. The decoy pattern you set up was spot with the pigeon rotor etc. And with limited cover we did well with our hides. I'm well chuffed with my high bird. Its all a big learning curve for me and your advice and tuition is spot on, thank you for today.
  3. Iv had a brilliant day for my 2nd day on the pigeons. We managed 130 between four of us. Thanks to a good friend Mick Morton and team. I had a cracking high bird for the first time. And the use of a gorgeous black Labrador he did a cracking job
  4. Iv had a brilliant day for my 2nd day on the pigeons. We managed 130 between four of us. Thanks to a good friend
  5. With a massive thanks to Mick Morton iv shot my first pigeon yesterday. I managed 5 in about an hour and thoroughly enjoyed it.
  6. Wahooooo my certificate has arrived
  7. Wahooooo iv got my certificate at last took 10 weeks start to finish in Cambridgeshire. That with FEO sickness and holiday in the middle.
  8. My certificate has been granted....yay he said I should have it by the weekend
  9. Sweeeeeeeet. Iv had the best txt ever from my FEO. Get in lol. Will let you all guess
  10. I'll just wait and see Wat happens. I'm not holding my breath over it and iv also spent my gun money savings now. My ex agreed on the certificate issue and said she had no worries so ill wait n see
  11. Let me just clear this up. My issue is NOT domestic violence and never has been. It was just a warning over text messages when she caught me having an affair lol
  12. I'll be informing basc of this just incase it's malpractice. It's beyond me why they contacted her. I left her in 2007/2008. She reported me for texting her back then I signed a police for to say I won't contact her and to this day there has been no further problems
  13. He rang my ex today and she said she happy with it
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