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Posts posted by Sambaker1993

  1. Put my little springer Joey In his first working test today and done really really well ! I loved the buzz too ! Massive thanks to Stephen Fricker and Alison Fricker for all their tips and pointers really wouldn't have got this far without them !!! I was a dithering wreck at the end of it with excitement but absolutely loved it and in sure I'll get a win some time in the near future ! Thanks again

  2. This Saturday I was. Little hung over not massively but my friend twisted my arm to go clay shooting down a Rishton! I went to buy some cartridges and the lady only had 9s left 28 grams! Ended up hitting 37 which is my best score there! let's just say I'll be using 9s again hahah! Come first in the group and had a good laugh with some good company on the way round! All in all a good day!

  3. Hi guys at the moment I'm wearing thin on my permission as two farms have just be sold to housing so as gutted as I am I need to regroup and do the dreaded door knocking! What ways do people find best how woukd you approach the farms? I am a diesel fitter so I have something to offer in return what can my attack plan be? any advice would be great! Thanks

  4. Hi guys at the moment I'm wearing thin on my permission as two farms have just be sold to housing so as gutted as I am I need to regroup and do the dreaded door knocking! What ways do people find best how woukd you approach the farms? I am a diesel fitter so I have something to offer in return what can my attack plan be? any advice would be great! Thanks

  5. Hey guys I'm looking for a syndicate for next season I have two dogs a lab and a springer depending on the shooting type that should be ready! don't mind helping out like clipping wings or feeding if I'm available! had some info of a couple of people but I want to get something snapped up and set in stone two spaces would be great if they are available for gohsthunter who is also on the forum a good friend of mine! I would travel any information let me know please from pm or on hear thanks Sam

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