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Posts posted by Deano23uk

  1. I put mine in the garage. Then again, the garage is integral to the ground floor. It was the only place I could put it on a decent wall.


    There is only one access to the garage (main door), I had to get an additional lock on the door and installed an alarm just in the garage.


    Just took it out again today!

    Same as mine fao was happy

    Same as mine fao was happy


    Theres your problem.

    Print some SACS ones and they will be paying you to shoot on their land. :good:

    Why is that ?

    Lot of good advice it's not easy to get a in, but coming from a farming back ground show a interest in farming crops etc, then you can spot damage and you start off with their attention/interest like said where are the winter shooters, pigeons on stubble on a sunny day are not a big problem to the farmer.

    I have going at this over the winter but still no joy

  3. Hello.

    I found a really good letter on here for requesting permission, I saved the link but it's not working now and I can't find it again does anyone know what section it's under or have the link


    Regards tim

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